Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Cory stared at me, standing stone still. At one moment I thought he was frozen, but the look in his eyes sent chills down my spine, meaning he was as real as one could be.

"I-I went to the ice rink, with Kyle. I fell over, which was completely my fault. A guy went over my ankle and so I broke it." I said, offering a half smile. 

"You went ice skating?" Cory asked,  taking a slow step forward. I unconsciously took a wobbly step back, the best I could with my crutches. I bumped into Kyle with my step which seemed to anger Cory that little bit more.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Cory asked, taking another step forward. I remained where I was as Kyle would not move from his spot behind me.

"Because you would of said no!" I exclaimed, throwing a hand into the air, causing me to drop my crutch. I sighed and was about to pick it up, but Kyle got there before me and handed it back to me.

Kyle was pushed to one side and Cory was standing protectively in front of me.

"Dude! I was only trying to help!" Kyle exclaimed. Both Cory and Kyle had a stare down, only for Cory to back down.

"You've done enough 'helping' today. Stay away from my sister, OK?" Cory said slowly, avoiding Kyle's eye contact.

Without an answer, Kyle turned away and walked out of the hospital.

"Cory! Christ sake! You have to ruin everything!" I yelled and began my exit out of the hospital. 

Once I was out I looked for Kyle amongst the cars and other people, the wind blowing my hair into my face. I tried throwing my head in different directions to get it out of my face but to a big failure.

I grumbled angrily under my breath and began my journey home. A hand was placed onto my arm as I made my way to the gates. I turned around quickly to see my stupid brother. His eyes both expressed anger and sympathy.

"Let me drive you home, you can't go like that." He said, gesturing to my ankle. By now I was extremely outraged.

"No! For once I'll do my own things, make my own decisions and keep my own friends! No more possessive brother until you tell me why you can't stand Kyle! I'm walking home home weather you like it or not!.. I'll see you at home." I admitted, throwing his hand off of my arm and began my journey home.


I sat on my bed, to tired to think. I laid my head onto my pillow and allowed myself to sleep. I was awoken to my door being closed. I opened my eyes and noticed there was a note on my door.

I picked up my crutches from beside my bed and went over to the note. 


i have thought this over and now i think i should tell you. when you read this, please come down stairs and everything shall be revealed... I really am sorry for earlier, hopefully when you know the truth, you will understand.


I struggled to read the note through Cory's messy writing but I made out just enough to know where I must go. I opened my door and made my way down the hall. I began my slow descent down the stairs, taking one small step at a time.

I eventually made it down and walked into the dining room to see Cory sipping a cup of coffee. He looked kind of nervous and tense.

 I slowly made my way to a chair Cory must of pulled out. I wouldn't make any eye contact yet. "What do you want to tell me?" I grumbled. I still held a grudge against him from earlier.

 "There is so much you don't know. You're going to be seventeen soon. What I tell you may be unbelievable but you must trust me..." He trailed off, waiting for a response. I remained silent until I spotted my werewolf book in the corner of the room. Something inside me knew what was about to be told and I was willing to clear a few things.

Cory was about to reveal his secret but I interrupted him. "Are we werewolves?" I asked, cutting straight to the chase.

Cory's jaw literally dropped to the floor. "H-how? Who...? What?" He asked dumbfoundedly.

I explained everything to Cory clearly and slowly, occasionally stopping for a comment from him but he remained silent. I started at the beginning, form when I suspected the wolf to be Kyle to the finish when I asked Kyle if he was what I thought he was. I also included the crucial part of when we visited Kyle's house.

Cory remained motionless with a blank expression plastered onto his face for a while.

"Will I become a werewolf?" I asked cautiously, not sure whether I wanted to be one or not.

"It is possible. Girls aren't always the one to turn, but in our circumstances, it is possible." Cory said simply, staring into outer space. My heart picked up speed with both anxiousness and relief.

"When will I turn?" I asked cautiously.

"On your seventeenth birthday." He replied, checking my response. I just sat there quietly, not saying anything. My birthday is in two months.

"OK." I said, my voice wobbling. I stood up, picked up my crutches and made my way back up the stairs and into my room. I don't know how I am going to deal with this but I guess I will just have to find a way.

(A/N: Hey, sorry i changed the ending a bit. The next chapter will be on Monday - in the story it is Saturday - OK? don't freak out tho!!!!)

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