Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The taxi ride was short and sweet. We remained in a comfortable silence for most of it, our hands intwined with together.

Kyle thanked the driver and payed him his money before walking with me to the pay booth for our tickets. I couldn't remove the smile from my face as the bright lights and rides filled most of my vision. Every ride had an elumionous sign, telling us what the ride was called. Rides were swinging, spinning and rocking in every which way. Screams of delighted children and teens were heared throughout the carnival. My smile widenend.

"Tickets for two, please." Kyle said to the lady behind the booth, distracting me from my gawking. The girl smiled and handed us a ticket each. I looked over the ticjet. It was orange and had the name 'Carnivala' in bold letters on the top. In small print it said 'unlimited access to all rides'. My smile widened even more (if that was possible!) and I looked at Kyle. He was looking at me with happiness full on his face. I pecked him on the cheek before dragging him throught the gates.

"What ride shall we go on first?" I asked, looking round at all the choices. To be honest, I felt like a small child again; but despite that fact, I was just happy to be here with my amazing mate. "Do youy want to go on the watery rides first, so we can dry off later?" I nodded and headed to the first water ride I saw.

The lines were short so we didn't have to wait for too long. We took a seat in the small log shaped cart and waited for the ride to start. My excitement level wass clear off the scale. The ride began a slow journey forward, heading towards a tunnel made of spraying water arcing over the top. I ducked my head slightly as we went through, small splashes would make contact with my hair as we went through. Kyle mimicked my actions and giggled along with me.

We exited the water tunnel and began climbing a steep slope. A waterfall was falling centimetres below the tracks. I was sitting back, I felt the gravity pulling me back. I turned my head to look at Kyle, who turned his to look at me. We both smiled at each other. He winked.

After a longish trip up the slope, we stopped before a extremely steep dip, the waterfall was now above the tracks, meaning we would get very wet during the journey down. I gripped Kyle's hand, seconds before we began falling. Water drenched us from every side. I was screaming my lungs out in joy and surprise, the water was freezing!

We came to a steady halt, making water fall out the sides. We stopped at the small little station and were allowed to exit. Me and Kyle were laughing hysterically as we made our way to the photo booth, where ten photos were being displayed, each one showing two different couples. Our one was probably the best one there! My mouth was hanging open, my eyes clamped shut and water dotted my face. Kyle was smiling a toothy smile, his eyes also squeezed shut.

Kyle pointed out our picture to the man and asked for two key rings. He printed the smaller version of the picture out twice and slid them into a rectangular frame. He asked for £5.00 and Kyle happily insisted that he payed.

I looked at the picture and smiled. I shall put this on my bag or keys later.

"Do you want to go onto the 'Queen of speed'? I hear it's the fastest ride in England." my grin grew even wider. I nodded my head and allowed Kyle to lead me to the ride.

We entered a rounded cart and pulled the bar to us. I gripped one hand onto the bar and one hand onto Kyle's. We waited impatiently for the ride to start.

A countdown began, many of the people behind us chose to count with it.






We were off!

I barely had any time to register what was going on, the ride was so fast! My hair was whipping behind me and I was screaming for most of the ride. Kyle was screaming and laying at the same time, but stopped to choke slightly. I'm guessing he swallowed a bug. He carried on laughing though. We were thrown from side to side with every turn and rotation, I swear I could feel my spine getting ready to leave my body!!!

The ride came to and abrupt stop, making me flop forwards. I exited the cart with shaken legs, my hair most possibly half dry. "I can't believe the speed of that!" I exclaimed as we went to a candy floss stand. Kyle laughed and agreed "Hell yeah!" we giggled before buying a bag of pink and blue candy floss.

We took a seat on a bench and shared the floss, savouring every small helping. I leaned my head on Kyle's shoulder as we ate. I couldn't be more happier. I had only been on two rides and already I was having the most fun I had had in years.


We had been on every ride in the carnival, all but one. The ferris wheel. We had made sure to go on that one last so we could enjoy the stars later into the night.

We made our way to the line, which only held about three people. We were soon sitting on a bench, attached to the ride. Bars were pulled towards us, just like the previous ones.

The ferris wheel began moving, further and further up we went, my excitement slowly growing. We stopped at the top, our bench slightly rocking. The stars brought spotlights onto us, illuminating each others' faces. A small chill began building and goosebumps formed on my arms. Kyle noticed and pulled me into a warm hug. I nuzzled the side of me head into his chest and smiled. Such a perfect ending of the day; hugging the one person that makes me feel complete, and have the best time I had had ever.

It began snowing. Small flakes of snow fell slowly and gently through the air. I looks up and closed my eyes, allowing myself to savour the moment. I listened carefully to Kyle's heart beating a magical song.

"Jade, look at me." Kyle said quietly. I sat up and looked him in the eyes. I nodded my head, wanting to know what he wanted - but the moment I saw the lust and love inside his eyes, no words needed to be spoken. He slowly leaned forward, his eyes fixated onto my lips. I leaned forward also and slightly parted my lips. I closed my eyes as our lips made contact. We kissed each other hungrily, wanting more and more of each other. We quickly deepened the kiss and allowed our tongues to dance together. My heart rate increased and my breathing became jagged as excitement and strong lust full filled my emotions.

A low grunt was sounded and we slowly parted. We were at the bottom and looked around. The small line of people who had wanted to go onto the ride had grown and all eyes were fixated onto us. A deep blush appeared onto my face as we apologised and exited the ride.

We walked hand in hand to the gates and exited the carnival, a comfortable silence was held between us.

Kyle called the taxi so we could return, still no words had been spoken. I hugged tightly to him as we waited, the snow had began falling more angrily and had began settleing on the pavement. We didn't have to wait too long, the taxi was soon in front of us. We climbed in, told the taxi driver where we wanted to go and relaxed as we waited for the journey to end...

A/N hello!!! I really enjoyed writing this chapter, sorry if the ending seemed a bit rushed/not very descriptive/lazy, I just wanted to write this chappy ;)

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