Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I sat on the rough wooden bench and took my sketch pad out of my bag. I flicked to a clear page and got out a pencil out of my pocket. I put the pencil to the edge of my mouth as I thought of what I should draw. Maybe I can draw a wolf pack! I thought. 

My pencil whizzed around the page, making it a beautiful image of a family of wolves. Some where silver and others were brown. The texture of their fur was perfect and their attitude in the picture suited them fine. 

I got so lost into the picture that I practically screamed when Kyle sat down next to me.

"Nice drawing." He said, looking at it interestingly. I blushed, I don't normally let strangers look at my drawings.

"Thanks." I murmured and slowly carried on drawing. I put in the shading of the tree's and the flooring. Light shone through the tree's slightly but not to much to make it too bright.

"Who taught you to draw like that?" Kyle asked curiously. I sighed, why can't this boy leave me alone?!

I looked at him angrily.

"Why don't you go make some friends?" I asked rudely. He looked at me sadly.

"But I like watching you-" I interrupted him before he could carry on.

"Look, there's a bunch of girls over there drooling over you. Go say hi." I said and then carried on drawing. Kyle sighed and walked off into the direction of the girls.

I heard them giggle as Kyle chatted 'em up. I looked at them in the corner of my eye. One of the girls, Katie, was leaning up on him as the other girls stroked his chest and abs. I laughed in my head and carried on with my drawing. 

By the time the bell had rung I had nearly finished my drawing. I packed my stuff away and went to my favourite lesson. Art.

"You are going to pay for that you know?" Kyle whispered. I punched him in the face out of reflex and gasped.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry." I said truthfully. Kyle had his hand covering his nose. Man, I need to learn to control myself!

"Well, you can throw quite a punch." He joked as he rubbed his face. 

"I really am sorry." I said feeling very guilty.

"It's no problem. What lesson you got next?" He asked, ignoring the fact I just punched him.

"Well, I have Art now. Are you sure you're OK?" I asked. He nodded his face and had a cheeky grin on his face.

"How can I make it up to you?" I asked.

"Well, it hurts really bad. Could you kiss it better please?" He asked, pouting. All my guilt left and I felt like punching him again.

"You are such an ass!" I exclaimed and stormed to my Art class. I heard him laugh in the distance.

I walked into the Art room and sat at my desk which was, like my History class, near the window. I found most of my inspiration in the outside world. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a presence beside me. I looked to the stool next to me to find Kyle. I sighed angrily and scuttled further away from him, only to find he just moved closer.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Well, I want to sit down thanks." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and got out my things. Miss. Mala walked in and stood at the front of the class cheerily. She is a very happy person.

"Settle down class." She said in a sing song voice, smiling.

"OK thanks. Today we are studying how to draw people. I know some of us are good at this already but I find that others find the facial features difficult. So, first we..." She said and went on. I listened carefully to her words and watched her amazing art skills.

"OK, I want you to draw someone very close to you. Maybe someone you love. You all have just over an hour. Off you go." Miss. Mala said and she skipped to her desk to do her work.

I immediately went to work. I started off drawing her face. The curve in her chin was at the right angle and the oval shape of her face was perfect. Her big blue eyes sparkling like they were looking straight at me. Her delicate blond hair fall around her shoulders and her freckles scattered along her nose. The straight line of her lips were great and the softness of her skin was noticeable. 

"OK, times up. Take a look at your work now." Miss. Mala said. I scanned my work. She looked real, I felt like hugging her but I knew it was just a painting. A tear escaped my eye. Kyle noticed me tearing up and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused.

"M-my mum, she looks real. I want her to be alive again..." I said trailing off. Kyle pulled away.

"Don't you have a mum?" He asked. I shook my head and looked at my fingers.

"She died in a car crash when I was ten." I answered. Kyle's face turned into understanding and patted my back comfortingly.

I wiped my eyes, I didn't want to seem weak to a boy I just met.

"Who did you draw?" I asked, changing the subject.

"My mum." He said. I looked at his painting. It wasn't lifelike but I could picture what she looked like. She had long brown hair and green eyes. he was beautiful as far as I could see.

"What happened to her? If you don't mind." I asked. He looked at me in the eyes silently for a moment before saying:

"She was also in a car accident." He said. My heart turned cold, not because I was angry but because I knew how he felt.

"I'm really sorry." I said looking away.

"Don't be." He murmured. The bell rang and I began picking up my stuff. Kyle was about to take his picture when I placed a firm hand on his arm to stop him.

"We leave them her for them to dry." I said, amused.

"Oh, hehe. OK." He said, a little embarrassed.

I walked out of the class after shooting him a smile and went to sit at the bench in the field. I watched Kyle walk over to a group of girls, accidentally or course, and was stranded with flirting girls. I laughed to myself and picked out my sketch pad. 


The final bell rang and I walked out of school. I felt a strong hand grip onto my arm and I punched the person out of reflex. Again. I turned round and gasped when I saw it was Kyle.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" I exclaimed. He rubbed his face like he did when I punched him earlier.

"You know, I think I deserve a kiss because you punched me twice!" He said, though it was slightly muffled as his mouth was covered by his strong hand. I took in a breath of relief when he said that. Not because he wanted me to kiss him but because I hadn't messed up his brain.

"Whatever. Bye." I said and turned on my heels and walked away. 

"Wait!" Kyle called after me. I stopped and took in a deep frustrated breath and turned around.

"How can I help?" I asked sarcastically as I plastered on a smile.

"Would you like to walk with me?" He asked nervously. I thought for a moment. Should I walk home with a guy I despise and hardly know?

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