Prologue: SPR a.k.a Shibuya Psychic Research

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Extra: Will be proofreading :)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ghost Hunt all rights go to Fuyumi Ono, I just own the OC's that will appear here.



Third Person POV

Under the pouring rain, the people of Shibuya District people are walking to take shelter. A particular brown haired girl was running, her umbrella above her head towards her part-time job. She had a peculiar part-time but she enjoyed it. It's been three years since she started working for "him". Yes, her boss was a male human. Remembering that she would get some scolding from him, she hurried up the steps of the escalator towards her home.

The Shibuya Psychic Research or, SPR for short was one of the leading paranormal investigation offices, it was a branch of the all famous SPR or Society of Psychical Research, and this was her part-time job. Partaking cases that either would involve ghost or bakemono, even curses.

Mai Taniyama was already 19 years old and planning to be a full time psychic researcher just like Her "Boss". She has had many experiences with him and the other SPR irregulars but even if it was scary and could cause them their lives, they still stick together like a family. Which was what she liked the best.

"Ohayou-gosaimasu!" she shouted, opening the door to the particular office looking for her boss.

"Mai, you're late. Stop slacking off. Go make me some tea." She suddenly jumped hearing his piercing voice and feeling his glare. His gorgeous voice had always made her shiver every time he spoke with her. She mock-saluted him and entered the makeshift kitchen to make the tea he has requested, Darjeeling tea was one of his favorites which Mai always took note of.

"Hai, Hai Naru-chan" she said when suddenly someone jumped behind her making her squeal. It was Gene. Naru's twin older brother, like her narcissistic boss, he had the same black hair but they differ in their eyes, while Naru had blue eyes, the older one had blue-grey ones, also they differ so much in personality. While Naru was a narcissistic, over-confident, jerk of a man, Gene was the opposite of him. He was cheerful, always smiling type of shounen. But they have some traits that makes them similar. And that is the way that they tackle cases as well as the "I'am number one" attitude. It was typical for Naru but Gene was taking it too far. Like really far. As far as the San
Andreas Fault.

"Aww. Naru's making you do all kinds of stuff again" he said and snuggled against her. It's really hard to imagine that Naru would do something like this which made it a little awkward since both boys shared the same face. Her sweat dropped when she felt a piercing gaze practically focused on them. She knew all too well where that came from.

"I heard that" that ice-cold voice said and Gene and she looked around to see Naru leaning on the doorway with his hands crossed over his chest. He was practically glaring at Gene. What the heck was wrong with him?

Naru's POV

"Aww, Naru's making you do all kinds of stuff again" I heard Gene say to Mai and because of the telepathy link we have I also know that he was snuggling against her. I felt a vein popped against my head and I was irritated yet again. I stood up and practically shoved the door open. I had told him a hundred times not to flirt with her but he had to just shove it in my face.

"I heard that" my voice was for sure irritated and cold, I knew that for sure. Gene smirked at me and clung to me this time.

'Jealous are we?' he said telepathically as his smirk grew wider.

'Urasai Baka' I said to him and he just chuckled. I glared at him and his eyes were alight with amusement.

"Okay idiot nerd" He said and slammed me on the back causing me to bump Mai. Her face flushed and she also looked lovely with that flower hair clip I gave her for her 18th birthday. It's been three years since Mai started working for me and in those three years we've been through thick and thin. Another case was coming up so we needed to focus this time. But it was hard to focus when she was near. She had affected me so much but I will never let her know that. Let alone Gene.

'You thought she was cute didn't you' I was surprised when Gene suddenly invaded my mind. Yes, he had the knack of checking my thoughts especially when I'm near Mai. Which brings us to the part where I can't think of thoughts about Mai. He will be the death of me.

'She affects you too. How sweet' he said and telepathically chuckled. I almost wanted to hit him and so I did, which eventually bounced back to me. Not only can we communicate via telepathy we can also feel each other's pain. That's why at the time he was thrown at the lake I felt his pain. Like really serious pain.

"Mai tea." I ordered her and she seems to have just come from a dreamlike state. She had always been going into a lot of dream like states these past few days and that would mean that she had some vivid detail on our next case. Gladly speaking, she was already able to control her abilities as the time passed. We knew that her powers as a psychic had greatly increased. She has had visions that are very reliable for the cases that we had. But I can still call her an idiot.

"Hai" she said and proceeded to the kitchen at the office. Gene entered my office and crossed his arms like what I did awhile ago.

'What do you want?' I asked him irritated.

'Why don't you just tell her what you feel?'

'What are you talking about?' I told him and he just shook his head.

'You know what I'm talking about' I rolled my eyes at him and he snickered.

'You know what I think? You're the one she likes, and that's one thing I can't do anything against' Gene sighed and he patted my head.

"Yeah right Naru and I grew horns instead of a narcissistic personality, You are such a useless case brother. No wonder Mai has a lot of trouble with you" What? Mai has a lot of trouble caused by me? That is something I don't believe. 

"I know what you are thinking brother. As I said you are a hopeless case. Well I need to work as well don't I?" he smiled at me and I was irritated again. NO WONDER they had the same thinking. Mai and Gene are like the siblings here. As well as they have the same powers as well as the same capabilities. While I have PK, Mai and Gene have ESP, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, Out of Body Experiences and astral projection.

'And Lil' bro. Don't make it too hard for the both of you. .'

I was confused by his question. What did he mean by don't make it hard for the both of us?

'Maybe one day, she'll leave you'

And that was the sentence that bothered me the entire day.



So I know this is a bit of just a bit of boring. It's because I'm still searching for the cases that will be included in the story.

Wish me luck :">

PS. This is actually my first story and I wanted it to be special so I chose Ghost Hunt.

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