(File 3 : The Unknown Identity) #2 : Attacked by the Unknown

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File 3 : The Unknown Identity

#2 : Attacked by the Unknown

- Sometimes being in the know is somewhat dangerous, especially if you are facing the Fumei. .                        -Mai Taniyama


"You're an idiot stop taking pictures! That's pornography for crying out loud!" someone shouted inside the room. I slowly opened my eyes as sun rays hit my face. I squint my eyes at the light as I saw figures standing in front of me and a warm surface pressed against my body. I rubbed my eyes and suddenly screamed.

"What!? What's wrong Mai?!" I heard Naru's voice beside me and he looked forward and saw Gene and Bou-san in front of us. I suddenly felt a burst of energy and Gene and Bou-san flew out the door and it shut itself.

"Are you all right??" asked Naru as he held me by the shoulder. I felt tingly sensations crawl up my skin. Wait. . We're both naked. . What?!?

"W-Why are we both naked?" I asked Naru and he scratched the back of his head. No. . We didn't right?!

"We did. ." he said almost inaudible that I thought that my mind was playing tricks on me. Did we really positively absolutely surely undoubtly effin did it?!

"Yeah. Don't get so worked up about it." he said in finality and I felt myself going to bits. He didn't care?!?! He didn't care that he took my first?!? My virginity??!?!

"Yeah right! Don't get so worked up by the fact that you effin took my virginity?!?!" I shouted at him and he looked down. .

"I'm sorry. . Mai." He said looking into my eyes and down again. How did this happen?? We were both drunk last night and I remembered him asking permission. . And then. .

"Mai. Mai!" Naru shouted at me and I looked at him. He looked sorry. . I don't know why. . I've actually wanted him to be my first . . But not this way. .

"Naru. . How could this happen. . How could I let it happen?! I'm such an idiot. ." I said as I ruffled my hair in frustration. You're an Idiot Mai!

"Hey. Hey stop it. ." he said as he grabbed both my wrist and put it down to the side.

"How?! How can I stop being frustrated if I don't even want to know!" I yelled a bit and he put his forehead against mine. My cheeks heated up as he stared at me intensely. The stare that said so many emotions. The stare that I loved for the past three years. .

"Don't you want me to be your first?" he asked huskily and shivers ran down my spine. Why was Naru acting like this?

'I love you too Mai. .'

Did he really say that last night? Did he really tell me that he loves me?

"I want it. . But not this way. ."

"Mai. . Do you remember what I said to you last night?" he asked and I nodded. He said he loves me. . Is it really true?

"Then believe me when I say that I will be by your side. . Forever. . I won't leave you nor will I ever hand you to anyone else. . I love you too much Mai. ."

"Naru. ."

"I know what I did was against you. . You've always wanted to do it after marriage. . I'm sorry I broke that promise of yours but let me make it up to you. ." he sincerely said and I looked at him. His eyes told me just how sincere he was. .

"How?" I asked him and he smiled and fully kissed me on the lips.

"Let's go on a date. Just you and me. ." he said and I smiled. Going on a date would be pretty nice.

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