(File 1: Two times the Trouble) #4: The worst predicament

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File 1: Two times the Trouble

#4: The worst predicament


"Naru! What happened?!?" I suddenly said slamming the door open to the clinic. I saw Gene was sleeping on the bed with Naru and Masako beside him. Bou-san and Ayako were behind me while I'm guessing that John and Lin-san are still investigating. Naru stared at me blankly as Masako went near me and suddenly hugged me.

"What's wrong Masako? Please tell me. ." I said and she suddenly sobbed uncontrollably. I hushed her down and tried to guess what happened. I looked at Naru and I mind-linked him

'What happened?' but he just sighed and turned back to Gene.

'Naru. . What happened tell me now!!' I shouted mentally at him and he suddenly rubbed the bridge of his nose. Oh he was irritated.

'Gene just lost his consciousness and is in a coma. We don't know how or why it happened, he just doesn't wake up even if I transferred some of my energy to him. . Hara-san was a wreck ever since he was like this. .' I suddenly tensed with what he said. Usually transferring energy to his twin worked but why didn't it work now?

'Do you want me to try something?' I told him and he nodded. I'm sure Naru would take any chance to wake his brother up. I nodded as well handing Masako to Bou-san.

"Don't worry Masako. . I'll do anything to make Gene wake up again. ." I smiled at her and she nodded her head. I know she likes Naru but she loves Gene. Yeah, I get that vibe from her. She's just too shy, actually both of them are to shy to tell each other how they actually feel. So much for them. Speak for yourself Mai.

I sat beside Gene's bed and held his hand. I concentrated hard and tried entering his mind. His walls were so weak at the moment. What happened to you Gene?!? A surge of energy suddenly released every tension in my body and I was suddenly pulled away from it and total blackness took over.


I opened my eyes and saw the sun setting in the distance. . Was I already inside Gene's mind??

"Gene. . Gene where are you??" I called for him yet he did not answer. Where was he?!

"Gene!" I called for him louder but a hand yanked me backwards. I saw. . myself. .I slapped her hand away and backed away a few steps. My Replica had hand behind her and I knew what it was.

"Don't you dare take a step closer!" I shouted at her yet she just smirked at me.

"You're the one that ganger wants. . And I'll bring you to him so that I can live your life!" she said and suddenly attacked me with a knife. I dodged it and cast a spell on her.

"Nau manku san dabara zan dankan!" I chanted hurriedly and she was blasted away. I ran and ran where my feet would take me and I looked back to see her coming after me. I still ran and bumped against a hard surface. I looked and saw R.Gene. . who was sliced in half. His hand reached for me yet I slapped it away taking a step back.

"Got you!" I heard my voice and suddenly I felt pain shot up my whole body. I felt weak and my knees buckled falling to the floor. I felt wet and sticky. What the. . heck?

Total Blackness. .



I suddenly woke up to find myself in a miasma filled room. I covered my nose and looked outside. It had a dark bluish glow so that means I'm in a dream. I looked around me and saw Mai chained up on her wrist and was slumped to the floor unconscious. I tried to call for her but my voice didn't work. I tried to mind-linked but still didn't work. I walked towards her but was suddenly yanked back only to see I was chained myself.

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