Side Story 2: Staying under one Roof, A Promise and A New Power

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Side Story 2 : Staying Under One Roof, A Promise and A New Power


"We need to do something about those two. ." I told Bou-san, John and Yazuhara. They all nodded. We were all talking about a certain brown-haired and her boss. We needed to take drastic actions for this two. Naru's too slow and Mai's too awkward to even comprehend anything that Naru is letting her feel. Actions speaks louder than words they say but Naru's actions are so slow that they make geeky boys who have girlfriends cry.

"So this is what we will do. ." I said as I leaned closer and talked to each of them. They all had knowing smirks on their faces and I smiled. This was going to be fun.

I walked towards the makeshift kitchen and saw Mai and Naru talking while Mai was making tea. I hid behind the divider and listened in on their conversation.

"Are you okay Mai? Nothing weird happening to you these past few days??" he asked and silence was the answer. Mai sighed and said.

"Ghosts have been appearing at my apartment. I've dispelled them but they just kept on coming. I don't know why. . And every night I would get unusual dreams of so many ghosts calling to me. Then one time . . A demon suddenly appeared in my bathroom window. . It scared the hell out of me but I dispelled them using the spell you taught me." She said her voice cracking in fear. Ahh that spell. The Barrier-Inducing Spell which Naru had taught Mai when we were on our second year as SPR.

"Umm. . . If you're that scared. . . .Would you. . . Would you like to let me stay in your house??" he asked and I almost choked. What the hell is Naru playing at?!? Mai's not an idiot to let you into her house!

"No!! Umm. . What I mean is. . I-I would like that but you know. . M--Me and you living under the same roof can be really weird. . Yeah that's right!" she said and I heard some clanking sound of the teacups an I looked to see Naru pinning his hands around Mai. Mai had that cute little blush that the entire team learned to love especially Naru.

"No it won't idiot. ." He said as he smacked Mai's forehead lightly and placed his against it. "I want to protect you with all I've got. . Please let me. ." He said and I felt myself smile. Naru can be sweet sometimes. Mai blushed and she awkwardly agreed by nodding her head. Naru's growing up I'm so happy. I did a little happy dance but stopped when I slipped and fell butt first to the ground.

"O-Oww-Oww. ." I suddenly tensed when I felt electricity hum in the air.

"You. . Are. . Such. . A STUCK-UP JERK!!" Naru said and tried blasting me with qigong but before I deflect it back someone made the qi disappear in an instant. I looked at Naru and saw Mai radiating an aura that stopped Naru's burst of psychic energy.

"What the?!" Naru and I asked at the same time.

I just saw something I didn't want to see. . Especially with Mai


I stared at Naru and Gene who looked at me shocked. It was all weird. At first I felt electricity humming in the air and then I looked at Naru to see he was going to fire a qigong. He can't do that to his brother! He just can't! So I felt myself released a strong psychic energy and Naru's pent up psychic  energy was gone. What the?!

"Naru what happe - Whoa! What the?!?" John said and I released the energy I just released. I slumped to the floor and felt my breathing go weak. Naru was beside me almost instantly and I knew he knew that I couldn't breathe.

"N-Naru. ." I said and he brought me water. I drank and I felt myself get fresh oxygen. I breathed out and by now all of them was surrounding me.

"I'm fine. ." I waved them off but I can't stand up so Naru cradled me in his arms.

"Naru, mind explaining us what that was??" Gene asked Naru not minding the position we were in but I know for sure they were going to tease me for being in this kind of situation.

"That was. . The Psychic Nullification Ability. It's an ability that is rare and only a selected few actually have that kind of ability. It sometimes takes a toll on the person using but it isn't that harmful."I said and they all gasped. It was rare and it could hurt me, even if it wasn't painful or harmful it will still hurt me. .


'Gene in my office now. .' I mind-linked Gene and he nodded standing up. I settled her on the couch.

"I'll be right back. ." I said and she nodded. I went to my office and came face to face with Gene. As you can see Mai and I act like a couple but were not. Get what I mean? Ever since I've learned I had feelings for her, I've actually started treating her nicer. In a good way. But of course I still keep my narcissistic attitude which I know she loved. I've always looked at Mai. . Many girls have come and go for cases. They would all look at me even some flirt with me but I can't see no one but Mai. . I don't know I just can't take my eyes off of her. Now I sound so Out of Character.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about??" Gene asked and I sighed. It was going to be hard saying this to Gene. He treated Mai like his own sister and it would hurt him with what I was about to say.

"Actually. . I lied. ." I said to him and his face was expressionless.

"I know. ." Gene said and I breathed out. This was going to be hard.

"That ability. . If she uses it too much. . It will slowly kill her. . You know that based on your own experience. ." I said to him and he nodded. Gene had the same ability as Mai. He can use the Nullification ability with a click of his finger but he won't die because we tend to pass each other energy and that's why we had to always be together. I didn't take much of a toll on either of our bodies unlike the Burst qigong which we used at the carnival.

"Yeah I know Naru, I almost did to once. ." he said as a matter-of-factly and I nodded. He did almost died a few years back and that when he used it on himself under the lake but as I said even though I thought he was dead I always passed energy to him and it ended up saving his life at the very last minute.

"That's why I really need to live under her roof with her. Or else. . She might actually die protecting herself from the spirits targeting her. Yeah. . I know she has the barrier-inducing spell but that's not enough. What if stronger spirits want to get in touch with her? Without me, you, or anyone beside her?! How?!" I said almost feeling worried for Mai. Gene tapped m shoulder and calmed me down.

"It's all right Naru. . She'll agree to it. She likes you after all. But use protection all right??" I felt my cheeks become tinted with red but I stayed stoic.

'Shut up. ." I said as I whacked him with an invincible psychic whip and he just snickered and walked out.

Living with Mai. . .

I will Protect Her with everything I've Got. .


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