File 5 : New Ex-Mate #1 : He's my Stupid Idiotic Brother

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File 5: New Ex-Mate

#1: He's my stupid Idiotic brother and I love Him for that

"Naru! Naru!!!" Mai shouted as she was clutching Naru's shirt. I held onto him zapping him with more psychic energy than ever.

"Come on you freaking idiot! You saved me now I'm saving you, you got that so don't you dare effin to die!!" I said to him and kept on passing energy to him but it didn't work.

"Naru... Don't leave me. Please don't leave me, don't leave your children.. Don't leave us.." cried Mai as her tears fell on Naru's face. Naru was just there like he was falling into the deepest sleep he could ever be in.

"Bring him to the hospital!" Masako said taking us out of our reverie.

"Naru's still alive. You need to bring him to the hospital ASAP" she said and the ambulance men were already on their way to us.

"Mai it's going to be okay... It's going to be okay" Masako said to Mai as the men moved Naru into the ambulance. We all went inside and we were nervous like sh*t (Sorry for the bad word, this is just how I get when I'm mad or nervous..)

"Naru... Please don't leave us.." Mai kept on repeating it while holding Naru's hand. The doctors had wrapped his wounds up and had stopped the bleeding. My help to him considerably healed his wounds and I hope he would be fine. I hope...

We got to the hospital and he was rushed to the operating room. Several of his bones were broken I felt it in my body. A few of his ribs, his right leg, and his left arm. A black eye was surely swelling in his right eye. And hopefully, his spine wasn't broken. It was actually very epic that he survived with so small injuries.

After a few hours of me feeling the agonizing pain of the operation without any anesthesia, the doctor came out leaving us with dreadful news.

"How is he Doc?" Mai asked as her sweat trickled down her reddish cheeks.

"Well, Mr. Shibuya suffered minor injuries but since he was hit by the truck on the side it damaged some minor parts of his brain... I hope you can take the news Ms. Taniyama but.."

Oh, come on Doc! Don't give cliffhangers I hate those! Just tell us the goddamn news!!

"He is in a COMA" Mai suddenly tensed up and tears fell from her eyes.

"No... No Naru.." She muttered as her body went down, her tears splashing her cheeks, poofy-eyed, she stood up and went to the glass window separating Naru and us. She touched the glass with her hand and suddenly went into an outburst. Masako held her tight and her loud sobs filled the corridor earning looks of pity from the patients and staff. I waved them off pissed at how they can be looking when they have their own lives to deal with. Mai kept on crying until she fell asleep in Masako's arms.

Naru was put in an ICU room and the others brought stuff for him and Mai. We didn't leave, no one left the hospital and we all ate together, it's like we lived in the hospital and yes due to the influence of Naru, we even got our own room. Mai stayed at Naru's side and didn't eat or sleep.

"Mai, you should rest, it's not good for the twins," I said to her and she just shook her head.

"No way am I gonna leave Naru's side," she said and tears threatened to fall from her brown eyes. I just hugged her real tight because I feel her pain.

He's my stupid, idiotic brother and I loved him for that.

"Why? Why did this happen?!?" She cried and I began to question. Why did it happen?

"How did it happen, Mai?" I asked her and she sniffled.

"We were walking to the car park in front of Kagerou Arcade that was beside the hospital when suddenly... I felt scared of him. I don't know why but I just did.. I backed up and a truck was going to slam onto me and Naru pulled me away from it endangering himself" as she finished fresh tears had started to fall from her eyes. I hushed her down but her sobs filled my ears. She was scared of Naru? That was impossible. Unless...

"Mai.. Close your eyes alright?" I said to her but didn't have to because she was asleep. I touched her tear-stained cheeks and then her forehead.



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