File 5 : New Ex-Mate #3 : JUST WHO ARE YOU?!

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File 5: New Ex-Mate


Mai strolled around the dark forest searching for something or someone. She didn't know where she was or who she was with when she came to this place... All that she knew was that she needed to find someone...

"Mai!!" a voice called to her and she looked around but all she could see were trees and darkness seeping everywhere. She walked towards the voice and saw the one person she thought she wouldn't see in this dark forest.

"Naru.." She said but Naru just kept on going away.

"Mai! Wake up! You're not safe here!" Naru had said with his stoic face warning her. But she didn't listen and reached out her hand to touch Naru.

"You're mine.." Naru had laughed devilishly his face deforming into a devil's face and suddenly Mai was engulfed in darkness.


"I'm back... Just what the heck happened!?" I suddenly jolted up as I exited Mai's head so fast. The darkness inside her head was clouding my senses nearly knocking me out. I clutched my aching forehead as I saw Mai get up and sat there. Her eyes wore a blank expression and she stood up walking towards the table with all our things. She rummaged through the things and my blood ran cold...

"You do know I can kill her in an instant.." A voice unknown to me was spoken by Mai's mouth as she held the knife beneath her neck. Her eyes held no emotion in them even though her mouth was forming a smile. She was not Mai... She wasn't.

"Who are you? What are you doing to Mai?!?" I said to her and she chuckled. She put down the knife and started slicing pieces of skin from Mai's hand. I looked away because I couldn't see Mai hurting herself.

"Just answer me this Gene.. Don't you remember who I am?" She asked and I cocked my head in confusion. Just who was it? Who was possessing Mai?

And WHY??


I woke up feeling dizzy, I heard the beeping sound of a machine. I tried moving my body and my toes seemed okay. Next my hands, that's fine too. And I slowly opened my eyes and saw white. Am I in heaven? I slowly adjusted to my surroundings and saw that I was in a hospital bed. What was I doing here?

Suddenly, images of Mai's crying face and red blots covering my vision entered my mind and I groaned behind my throat. Did it really happen? I was in an accident... Somebody had possessed Mai.


I stood up and started tracking wherever the hell she was. Where is she.. Mai. Where are you!?!

'Naru..' I suddenly heard her voice calling out to me. I started walking faster ignoring the protest of several nurses but I kept on walking. Where are you!?!

'Naru help me! Please help me!! I don't want to kill. Please!' I heard her voice and her pleas were very hurtful that I continued to walk anywhere. Mai... Please be okay.

"Sir you shouldn't be walking around." One of the nurses said and I glared at him. I hate it when someone tells me I can't do something.

"Back off. Or so help me you're going to lose your job!" I growled at him and he swallowed the lump in his throat. I gave him a death glare and he walked away minding his own business, I know that was against their protocol but I don't care about f*cking protocol! I only care about finding Mai and making sure she's alright!

'Naru... Please don't let me kill Gene!' she shouted into my head and I could hear the anguish in her voice. I contacted Gene inside my head and he answered breathing heavily.

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