Side Story 1: A Confession

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Side Story 1: A Confession


Well, well lookie here. Naru and Mai sleeping together is actually kinda cute. I'll tell Mai about this when she wakes up. I'm sure she'll definitely freak and then blush like a high school girl. It's been four days and Mai is now the only one who is asleep Gene woke up two days ago and my plan on conveying his feelings to Masako worked. The two has been closer than ever. Haay young love you never get enough of each other. Speaking of love I've my own train to catch.

"Ayako!" I called to her as she passed by the clinic. Her lips were pulled down to a frown but she definitely looked cute. I smiled at her goofily and she suddenly hit me on the shoulder.

"You look like an idiot" she huffed and walked away for all I know she likes me that's why I get hit. Ahahah kidding aside maybe it's time for me to ask her to be mine. I've always admired her self-styled way as a miko and her red hair. She definitely is a sexy woman.

"Wait up!" I called to her and she just shrugged and beckoned for me to follow and like a puppy I did.

"You're grinning like an idiot you know that" I nodded my head and she sighed.

"What will I do with you??" she said and grabbed my hand. I felt my cheeks heat up at what she did. I intertwined my fingers with hers and she stopped to look at it for a few seconds but didn't mind.

"Oh! You two are holding hands ain't that cute" we both suddenly jumped as John with his kansai accent commented on it. I glared at John for ruining the moment and he just laughed at me and smiled innocently.

I glared at John and he snickered waving good bye to the both of us. Well well. . At least he knew how to read the atmosphere. I walked forwards while Ayako followed me. We stopped at the park of the school and she sat down on the swing.

"Haay when are we going back to Tokyo?" she sighed and I just chuckled. She didn't really like it here did she? It was peaceful here and the trees were very much alive. Or maybe they just look alive. They may seem dead to her.

"All the trees here are dead. . Poor trees. . They never get fresh air and sun. ." she said answering my thoughts.

"Umm. . Ayako can I ask you a question?" she cocked her head to the side looking at me with those intense eyes. I coughed releasing the tension in my body and went in front of her. She stared at me and I stared back at her.

"What is it Houshou?" I felt like trembling that moment. Her voice really is alluring and confident and I like it when she says my name. I don't know when I started to have a crush on her I just did. And it felt so good. Three years working with her seeing her everyday at Naru-bou's office and talking to her made me realize how I wanted her to be mine. I don't know it just dawned on me that I want her.

"Houshou? You're staring into space again" She said making me step out of my reverie. I scratched the back of my head. Well this was going to be awkward.

"Umm. . how should I begin. . Umm. . Ayako. . don't say anything or hit me with what I'm about to say. ." she nodded and I held her hand kneeling in front of her.

"I don't know how to say this but. . The moment I laid my eyes on you it was like my world stopped. I know this is corny but I'm saying everything I got. I've never thought you were a burden to us. Heck I thought you were the greatest out there. . You're very charismatic and always thinks optimistically. Yes, you can be boastful sometimes- wait let me finish!" I suddenly when she raised her fist to hit me. I held it and intertwined it with mine.

"But. . I've fallen for your one of a kind of a personality. . And all I wanted to ask is would you boastful little Ayako Matsuzaki take me the joker Houshou Takigawa to be your boyfriend? If you say no.  I might die because I'm in love with you and I don't know how to stop myself from falling for you any further. . You're like my life line Ayako and I hope you would accept me in your heart. ." I stared into her eyes and it erupted tears.

"Waaah?! W-Why are you crying?! Please don't cry!" I panicked as she sobbed but suddenly looked up and smiled the most dazzling smile I've ever seen.

"You idiot!" she said and suddenly tackled me into a hug.

"Why wouldn't I accept you?!? Are you an idiot?!" There was happiness in her voice and I hugged her tightly. You're mine now Ayako and only mine. I looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead. She was soft and I've always yearned to hug her. . Now I can. .

Because she said YES!!



I woke up and felt sore all over. Too much use of psychic energy can kill you. Literally. I felt my body was so heavy and I tried to move but it feels like my whole body is pressed against a warm surface. I opened my eyes and looked beside me and was staring right into. . grey eyes. .

"Na-Naru?!" I said backing away until I was at the edge of the bed and falling backwards tangled in a mess of blankets. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but nothing came. I counted three seconds and opened my eyes. A gasp escaped my mouth as Naru's face was only inches away from mine.

"G-Gomen!" I stuttered as I backed away from him. My heart stammered and I tried to keep it calm. Deep breaths Mai. . Deep breaths. Damn it. I can't calm down!!! Stupid hormones!

"You're finally awake Mai. . I was so worried. ." I was suddenly engulfed into a hug with Naru resting his forehead on my shoulders.

"Na-Naru?!?" I stuttered as I felt his hot breath hit my neck making me shiver. I was ticklish okay? Again. Stupid hormones!!!

"Don't ever do this to me. . Ever Mai. . Please. . It. . hurts. ." he said and I could feel his shoulders shake. A particular spot on my shirt got wet and I just sighed. He was worried. . Why??

"Naru. . don't cry please. . I'm sorry if I've worried you. ." I caressed his back as he continued sobbing. He gripped me tighter not wanting to let me go and I just smiled at him. Naru's still the same. And I loved it.

"I thought I lost you. . I can't lose you. ." I smiled even wider. He was like confessing his undying love for me. But I knew better. Naru is childish and he thinks of me like a sister. An older sister that is. Yeah he thinks I'm older than him even though he's already 20 years old. But I loved that attitude of his. It was cute.

"I'm tough you know that" I laughed but suddenly felt weak and leaned towards Naru.

"Mai?! Are you okay??" he told me and I just nodded. He held my hand and suddenly a jolt of energy passed through me. I closed my eyes feeling it seeping into my veins. So this is what Gene feels like when he's being passed on energy. It felt great.

"Are you okay now??" he said as he held me in a hug cradling me in his arms. I smiled and nodded shifting so that I was sitting on his lap. I smelled his masculine scent and I know it was a perverted thing to do but hey this was a once in a lifetime chance.

"Haay. . Thank God you're okay. ." he said and I smiled at him.

"Yeah. . Sorry for worrying you. ." I said and he chuckled. My eyes widened and I looked at him with my mouth at gape. He laughed. Naru laughed?!?! Oh God! I should have a camera. That was a picture perfect moment!

"What??" he asked in his monotonous tone but a ghost of a smile played on his lips.

"Y-You laughed?!?" I exclaimed and he suddenly did the most unexpected thing ever. He laughed a full-blown one and I felt myself melt. God his voice is so mesmerizing and I can't get enough of it. That is how I'am in love with him. It's always been him. . Naru never left me alone. I know he thinks that he's an incapable boss but no. He's the best boss I could ever ask for and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

"Is that Naru I hear laughing?!" The doors open letting out Gene and Masako together. Hmm. What happened between this two?

'I'm not telling! Wahahahah!!' Gene suddenly said into my mind but Naru was oblivious to it. Obviously.

'What?! Come on teeeellll meeeeeee Geeeeeneeee" I said inside his mind and he shook his head. Sometimes Gene was as stubborn as Naru over here.

'I heard that. .' his monotonous tone made me snicker. He used such a gentle tone of voice awhile ago and yet when in front of others he show his "Cold exterior" Haay Naru you never change do you??

And that's what I love about you so much :*


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