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it sucks you couldn't make it to the show :(
it was really good. J&J are so talented, and Johnson's rapping speed kills me. he's crazy!

Ana, I was at the show.


Yeah, I saw you.
You smiled at me and we were making eye contact.


forget it.
I'm really tired. I'll talk to you later.


((fast forward a week))

I open my eyes and stare at my ceiling. I squint due to the bright sun rays that were coming through my window.

I rub my eyes and sigh. I grab my phone and open my laptop, Netflix was still up. Grey's Anatomy was paused.

No texts. It's been a week and I haven't heard from Jack at all. I truly think he's avoiding me, for whatever reason. I just didn't understand.

I pressed the space bar, which played Grey's Anatomy.


Jack. we haven't spoken to each other in a week. what's up? :(

I'm so sorry, Ana. I've been busy.

Too busy to check your texts? :(

Yes, and I'm sorry. Everything has been hectic with the last two shows and just everything with my family.

What's up with your family? Something wrong?

No, no. They're just excited to see me all the time.


We talked a little more and I put my phone away. I changed into a long sweater and leggings. I know, basic, but it's comfortable.

I grabbed some money and my keys. I wanted a break from sitting inside all day. That's all I'd been doing for a week. I decided I would go for some coffee, from my favorite cute little cafe down the street from me.

"No!" I heard a man's voice yell. "None of you are coming in! Not unless you are a paying customer!"

I frowned at the large group of girls screaming and trying to push past Mr. Banks. He was the owner of the cafe, and a family friend. I absolutely adored the man. He was something else.

"What's going on?" I asked him.

"T-these girls are trying to get in, I guess a celebrity is in there!" he struggles to say.

"Hey!" I yell. "Let the man be!"

The girls quieted down and they all stared at me.

"This man is really respected, you know! And you're all being really disrespectful. You're driving away his business!" I lecture. "Now, if you're not here to actually enjoy his cafe, then go away!"

"Jack Gilinsky and Jack Johnson are in there!" I hear one yell.

My purse my lips.

"That doesn't matter," I say. "I'm sure they just want to enjoy a meal and some coffee without you guys mobbing them!"

"But they're famous! I want a picture so badly!" one girl says angrily.

"You want a picture with them because they're famous? Just leave. They are humans, they are just like us. Stop treating them like some sort of prize," I was angry. "If you're really a fan of them, you'll let them be. You let them eat, they have to eat, too. If not they can't perform. If you're a true fan, you'll support them, not mob them. Now leave."

The girls all mumbled things as they turned and walked away.

"Thank you," Mr. Banks smiled and hugged me. "Free coffee, on the house."


The mob of girls outside was getting rediculous. All I wanted to do was enjoy one meal in public, without being mobbed.

I heard a yell, and Jack and I turned to see what it was. A girl was yelling at the mob, and telling them to go away.

I stared the whole time, and eventually the girls went away.

"Free coffee, on the house," I heard the owner say with a smile.

"No, that's okay. I want to pay."

"Ana, it's the least I can do," he says back.

My eyes widen. Ana?

She walks to a booth in the far corner and sits down.

"Just the usual," she says to the waitress, who smiles pleasantly.

Ana smiles back, and her eyes meet mine. I stare for a second, and look at my phone.

((the bold will still be Jack's texts))


so what are you doing today?


I sit my phone down, and I see her pick her's up. She types something and sits her phone down. My phone goes off, and she looks up at me. I smirk, and look at my phone.


I'm in a cafe, and there was a mob outside because Jack Gilinsky is here. I made them go away :) I yelled, and I feel like a mom.

how nice of you


After I texted her back, I say my phone down. She watched me as I did so. Once my was sitting down, her phone went off. She looked down, and back up at me. A confused expression was written on her face.


what are you up to?

Just chillin.


I was just messing with her, now. I turn my sound off.


This cafe has really good coffee.


She frowned when my phone didn't go off.


I get up to walk to the bathroom. I do my business, and as I'm walking out, I bump into Jack Gilinsky.

"My bad," he says.

"No, my fault," I say back.

"I saw what you did, outside," he smiles. "Thank you. Not many people would do that for us."

"Oh, no problem."

"You're a fan, aren't you?" he asks, and I nod. "I saw you at the show, last week. You smiled at me," he smiles.

I look away nervously and giggle.

"Well, I'd better get going," I gently push past him and walk outside with my coffee.

I feel someone grab my arm, "Ana, wait."


OOOOOOO. They finally talked in person!!! Hope this chapter didn't bore you to death. But this was the longest chapter I've written for this story, so yay. Do you guys like long chapters, or short?

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