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just landed in ny :))

okay, have fun bb!!! stay safe please


My parents got two connected rooms in the hotel we were staying in, so I had my own room, bathroom, and kitchen. There was a door connecting us, though.

I opened my suitcase and got dressed into something warm. A t-shirt with a cardigan and some jeans.

I walked outside of the hotel. Two girls ran up to me.

"Oh my gosh! You're Ana!" one of them said excitedly.

I stared at them confused.


"We're huge fans! We just adore you!"

"Yeah, you're so pretty!"

"And you and Jack are adorable!" they squealed.

"Oh, sorry. I'm not quite used to this," I say shyly.

"That's okay, could we get a picture?" one asks.

"Sure," I smile.

I take pictures with both of them and they say goodbye.


Hey Lauren!!!

Hi Ana

Whatcha up to?

Just with Jenna, Carmen, and Haley at my place. wbu?


I called an uber.

I was going to visit my friends.


I knocked on the door, and I heard some talking and footsteps. The door swung open Lauren stood in front of me. Her jaw dropped and she squealed.

"ANA!" she threw herself at me and we fell in the grass.

She wrapped herself around me and hugged me tightly.

"I can't believe you're here!" she says as we stand up and dust our clothes off.

"I'm on vaca with the fam," I smile.

My other three friends come outside and they all hug me at once, causing us to topple over.

"ANA!" they all scream.

We all go inside and sit down.

"How is California? Do you have any friends, or a boyfriend?" Lauren asks.

Lauren and I used to be the closest out of all of us five.

"You're not going to believe me when I tell you," I say and they all look eager to listen.

"Spill it!"

I take my phone out and show them all the pictures of Jack and I, even one of us kissing.

"This is my boyfriend," I say showing them.

"NO!" Haley screamed. "No way!"

"How?" Carmen asked.

"He's so gorgeous," Jenna added and Lauren nodded and smiled at me.

"He drunk texted me, by mistake. And we just kept talking," I said and showed them the first texts.

"I don't believe you. Can you FaceTime him?" Carmen asks.

"Yeah," I laugh a little.

I turn the phone so they can't see. The phone rings and Jack answers.

"Hey baby," he smiles into the camera.

"I have some friends that don't believe me," I laugh.

"Alright, let's show em," he laughs.

I turn the phone and the four girls stare at him with open mouths.

"What," Jenna says in shock.

Jack laughs, "babe, I have to go. Johnson and I are going to the- um- you know where, to talk to- you know who, about the party thing," he looks at me nervously.

"Oh, um okay. Bye," I smile and hang up.

"What was he talking about?" Haley asks.

"Nothing," I fake a smile.

Lauren looks at me, concerned.

"So, what about friends? Any normal ones?"'

"Um, no," I laugh nervously. "Just Jack Johnson and Nate, really."

Carmen scrolls through her phone, "I see it now. You're all over the J and J fandom pages," she laughs.

We all laugh a little, "yeah."

She gasps, "GUYS!"

We all look at her confused.

"Dillon Rupp is being held in jail!" she finishes.

I feel the blood rush to my face and I space out.

"What?" Haley asks. "Why?"

"He's been accused of date-rape, but they're questioning him and other witnesses right now," she says as she reads the words on her phone.

"Are you friends with him? I'm sure you've met him," Lauren says.

"No, we're the farthest thing from friends," I say and look away quickly.

"Why?" they ask.

"He's a real ass. That happened at a party, and I was there," I say, regretting right after.

"Oh my gosh!" they all gasp, except for Lauren.

Lauren gives me a look.


I don't know what to say about these anymore. thanks for reading thooooooo ((:

I wrote the last chapter and this one like 3 hours ago but I didn't publish until now because I forgot and I was watching Grey's. but I have practice in like an hour so I'll update again after.

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