So long Prince part 1

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It was slowly getting darker all around me, it was already 7 pm. Packup time for the lifeguards.
I decided to follow Maxi's advice and get out of the water. I was just in to cool off some of the heat. I started packing my things for heading to the hotel. All the lifeguards had left by the time I reached the tower. All but one.
Jesse was still there. Wet from the last rescue, with the light blue uniform clinging to his muscles and his hair long and floppy... He looked so hot. Literally a Sex God. And I worshipped him. As I passed him I waved my hand, "Thanks for having helped us with the boy, really appreciate that. I'm Jesse by the way. Nice to meet you."
I bowed slightly. "Nice to meet you too. My name's Martina Sole."
"Where do you stay?"
"At the Bondi hotel." Maybe he already understood what I was. I just hoped... at least he enjoyed my talking.
"Mind if I get you there? Hop in!" He said. His voice...

Jesse's pov:
She accepted! Ok, now focus on driving... My God this can't be real. I 'm not breaking any code of conduct, am I? Well... If it's 7.15...
Then I noticed something. "Hey, are you right? You're so cold..."
"No Jesse... I'm tired... I mean I just arrived today... I'll spend one night in bed and I'll be fine... Promised."
I left her in front of the hotel. She thanked me and walked up to her suite... But still something wasn't right there...
I just left and told her if she needed me she'd find me down the beach. So I went for a surf in Maroubra. There was also Koby, it's always fun with him. I went out for some waves, they were gently carrying me. As always. I felt like a Prince.

My mobile started beeping. Oh God, what kind of fans did get my number now?
I noticeda number I knew far too good. Gee, it was my ex. Still calling me for apologising? What? Can't she just understand that she hurt me? And also, that she hurt me, very much. She said I was a "fucking bra boy who only wanted to rape her" when it was her who was addicted to coke. I had been accused of something awful, that cost me my freedom and summer. And friends. I nearly lost Koby. And maybe just today I understood that maybe not all changes come for the bad way. Maybe that girl... But why was I worrying for my ex now that I closed with her?

If I had to stay in Bondi for saving her?

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