Hell Why

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I was out of the toilet after a short while.
But the one I saw out of there, next to Hoppo's office, I wouldn't wanna have seen him ever again in my life.

'Edoardo, what...'
'You must die, you bitch, let me finish what I didn't finish four years ago... And don't even think about calling for help.'

He was silent for some minutes, looking me in the eyes with his cold, emotionless stare.
'I love you, because you are an ugly bitch. I'll kill you!'

SMACK! He hit me.




I do not want his love. I do not want this love.

'Help!!' He had his hands around my throat.
I saw Jesse sprinting for me.
In seconds I was free from that grip, I saw Jesse punching him in the face, but he was fast. And strong. I remember it.

Jesse was hit in the face and hit his head hard on the concrete.

I heard a stompf! and he was again on me.
Tower... Home.

Maxi's pov:
I was looking around... There was some clouds around. Something that usually has me down for days. Like cats.
'Get off her you motherfucker!!' HUH?! Did I hear well? Jesse is the one usually saying these pearls, but never ever wearing the lifeguard uniform.
I look out curious. I don't like this. At all. Sole is under a grip of a thing. The motherfucker, probably. In seconds I spring out of the tower.
Mouse follows me. Mouse knows  jiujutsu. Hopefully he's strong enough. That monstrous evil thing isn't anything close to good. Then I see my brother Jesse on the ground, bleeding from the face. But he is motionless. I saw Mouse kicked twice before Deano arrived with some coppers. I was caring for Jesse at that moment. With Hoppo and Deano I put him on a stretcher in the recovery position. Mouse and the coppers finally succeded into restraining that... ok.
Jake and Mario, also in Bondi by chance, take care of our Sole.

Our Sole...

When the ambo arrives, there is Yak and Quinno on. We hand them even Mouse who ended up with a broken arm, sucking on the whistle.
I put Jesse on the oxy mask. And hoped. And prayed. That him and Sole could live.

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