please live!!

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Day 3
Whippet's pov:

'Training for the race, please come to my gym in Maroubra' I sent this message to Maxi. I hoped he could come since it was early in the morning. It was killing me to see that Maxi was so down. As destroyed as me. As everyone.

But I had to react for everyone. Training seemed something good. That morning it was 8 o' clock in my Maroubra ELab. The gym I adored so much.
Maxi entered and went in the area in front of the glass windows, where I purposedly put the equipment. He also needed sun.
We exercised for about 30 minutes with balance, that was essential when running. Other 2 hours were spent for abs, and other 2 for running.

When we finished it was already 12.00. Time for ketones, so we put them in a coffee. And here we were again. We trained our hips for preventing instability.

'Come on Maxi, just a little more!' I had to stimulate him to hope. It was best for him not to think about Jesse and Sole for a while.
'I know, it is just so difficult!'

'We will run tomorrow for raising funds... Wait let me check how many of us are running, where is my Ipad?'
'Guess it is in your car ... I thought I saw something white. Must have been it.'

I went in my car and it was in the backseat. Connecting to the net I saw that the amount of people was in the thousands... four thousand and climbing!
I steadily came back to Maxi. But surprisingly, he was not anywhere near the windows. Something must be seriously wrong! In that state he can't be left alone!

After a while I found him, cuddled up like a pup in a smaller room with a fridge. Where I never look. As I neared him, I heard some muffled sounds. Was he crying?

Maxi's pov:

I fear that I'll only be alone. That this run for hope will be useless. Who cares for ketones, for research, love, I want my brother...

Sorry sorry for the long wait.... I'm so sorry readers... please keep reading!!
I had the same s**t going on as usual... please comment and press as many times as you can on that pretty little star...

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