It's just us

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Jesse's pov: 

That girl left the tower. She told me that she felt safe if there were the boys in Blue, she knew for problems she'd come to us.
I told her I was relieved. I told everyone that I was to be by Backies, as Hoppo told me.

I left the buggy after getting there, there was an asian girl screaming and I run to the water. "I'm here!! It's alright!!" while flying to her.
I grabbed her by the hair, and it was just... yeah just... so wrong. She was blue. I gave the 3 pulls of the chain. And saw someone sprinting for me. All the beach down to the buggy. He didn't have the blue uniform. Because it wasn't a him. It was a her. It was Sole. How the hell could she? Run like this?
I quickly pulled the girl on my board and started the ride back.
When I was on the sand Sole was struggling to give me all, when she stepped back, held by Mouse. Other lifeguards were there. I started chest compressions.

Jethro and Tom helped me with the defib. She was given one shock.
"Come on darling, fight!" said Tom. He didn't want to lose anybody anymore. Like with that Yondon Dungu.
Then another shock.
"You can't be gone..." said I. I was next to crying.
After what seemed like an eternity, she started breathing on her own.

"Whippet is calling the ambulance Kid" said Jethro. I returned to the buggy, for driving back to the tower, while Mouse, Jethro, Tom and even Sole helped the poor girl with the oxygen mask on the stretcher.

Whippet called the ambo that arrived after a short while. They took the young girl away. I was pissed that there were no parents around, or carers, but I still thanked Sole for what she did. "That was a massive effort, darling... You're right?" asked Tom.
"Yes. I knew I had to help out."
"Come with me. There is something I have to show you" said Deano. I hoped she trusted him enough. I had a rough idea what was going to happen.

Sole's pov:

I saw that all the lifeguards were sprawled on the beach... apart Whippet who manned the tower and Deano who was helping two screaming kids and some teenagers who were on the cheesegrater ... I was on my towel relaxing and reading when I heard Jesse on the rescueboard screaming that it was alright.
So I rushed to the tower. "Give me the things, I'll rush!"
Whippet gave me all the equipment. It was pretty heavy, but somehow I managed.
I rushed. For life. For avoiding my Jesse another pain. For showing me that even if I had incurable conditions I could still be me. I could still help. For not having another death on this pristine beach.
For them.
I gave Jesse all the things I could after I run for what seemed an eternity, when Mouse stopped me. There were Jethro and Tom. I closed my eyes when the defib was put on the girl. Somehow other images of other lifeguards materialised before me when I started thinking that "come on Pentel! These are the best guys in the world. They won't be losing her."
They stabilised her on the stretcher. And I also helped by staying by the side of the person.
When she was handed to paramedics I felt happy and relieved.
"That was a massive effort darling, you're right?" asked Tom. I answered I knew I had to help out.
Deano told me to follow him. We went out and crossed the road. In Hoppo's office.
"Oh my god, I know I've done something wrong. I just wanted to help you. You had to care for the kids and I just..."
"Did you notice how fast you were running?"said Hoppo. He wasn't angry.
He was just amazed.
"No... I actually didn't. I was focusing on the life I had to save".
"Well look here" Hoppo showed me his Apple. A camera had been pointed at me. The surveillance camera in front of the seats of the lifeguards. The one turning 365 grades. The film showed me. Rushing in like... 8 secs, something like that, by Jesse. Whippet did the most important thing for me that day. I had to remember to thank him.
"We wanted to ask you" Deano. Oh god.
"If you wanted to be our trainee since we have a vacant position" Hoppo. Oh effing God.
I couldn't believe it. "It's just... I'm here on a tourist visa... I can't work."
"When does it expire?"
"Two months. Sorry" I was nearly crying.
"Hey, It's fine. We'll find a solution." said Deano.

After that I went back to my hotel. I was a little bit still confused, but chose to meditate. It always helped me keeping my cool.
Because in the end, it was just us.

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