maybe something new

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Day four:

Matt Dee's pov:

It was the fourth day of all this. Since four days I risked to lose a mate and also a girl. I barely knew the girl, but she looked so similar to me I thought I already knew her.

I was sitting with a cup of tea in hand in the hospital dining room, it was for patients and families to gather in an usually bad place, for having normal things get back to you.

Quinno was already working, since it was sunday the cafè where I worked was closed, that day I didn't work on the beach. Yeah, I was the one with two jobs. Not the only one though.

I took the weetabix from my bag, in case I was nervous I always had a weetabix to bite wherever I was...

I thought about Jesse. Today he had no operations planned. My mobile buzzed. A message from Quinno:
"Mate, Jesse's doing a bit better, I checked him this morning, from outside . I wasn't allowed in his room. I was told that instead of 6 operations he'd be doing 4. B down in 5"
"I'm in the dining room. Sole is in her room." is what I sent back.

Sole was looking fine half an hour ago, the only thing is that she was asleep. Obviously, kept asleep by something Quinno gave her.
Hell, why didn't I study medicine??

Maxi's pov:

Whippet wants me to keep training at the beach. Which means... there you go, being a lifeguard.

I had to enter the water in south corner after a short time. It was the usual group of tourists not knowing about surf safety.

I pulled them on the board since they were tired and ferried them to shore.

I was noticed by a kid who seemed right... til he showed me his hand... He was surfing in Backpackers Rip. His hand was surrounded by tentacles. I took them off and sent him off to the tower.

Azza arrived after a while. 'You can leave... today you have the short shift. Hoppo left you out for the afternoon. So you can recover and stay with Jesse.'

True, I had to visit him today. And tomorrow was the day of the fund raising event. I just hoped I could run. I hoped that heartbreak did not ruin me.

From 14.00 to 16.00 I could stay with my brother, but now was time for a bit of a recharge. So I walked up the beach to Lush. I adored their sandwich named after the beach with salad and chips. Maybe today I would have handled some food... I calmly ate, there was time for going to the hospital, after all...

After some time struggling on the road I startedto walk up Campbell Parade and to the left. To Saint Vincents Hospital's ICU.

There was Jesse. Hooked to tons of machinery. And Sole, by his side.


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