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Jesse's pov:

Maxi and that girl followed me as long as they could, then I entered the CTscan and they had to wait out.
The machinery made her sounds, whilst I attempted to remember who I was...
Once it stopped and returned in position I was told I could get back to Maxi.
He had filled in the papers to release me.

Now for the wait.

When I got in his car, I sat in the front. We stopped at a hotel, where the young woman (called by everyone "Sole") got off and relaxed for the rest of the day. She was sad for me, he told me. Really sad. Apparently there was another person with her. A certain Muzza.
We arrived at Maxi's home after a while, got inside and he invited me on the couch.
"Uhm... I... Uh..."
"It's alright. Guess that I simply forgot everything for a moment." I tried to keep that absurdly beautiful smile on his face.
"Do you remember anything?" Asked he with a tired voice.
"I only know that your name is Maxi. If you'd ask me other things I just don't remember. Sorry." said I nearly crying. "You look tired, why don't we first sleep?" My voice told , shakily .
"Uhm... ok... come with me. I'll show you the home. This is simply the sitting room, there's the table" said he pointing to it "here there is the bathroom, and this is... the bed room."
"Why is it a double bed? Any girlfriend?"
"It is a double bed because... Well... because me and you, we have been sleeping together for some time in the past. And even now. But I am so sad you don't remember anything..." he was crying , and I didn't like it.
"If you think I am disgusted then no, I am not" said I with a smile. "I just wish everyone was happy and fine".
"Can I hold your hand Jesse? We usually do it"
"Of course". And we lied down.

Next day- Maxi's pov:

"Mhm...Jesse... Jess? Where are you?"
He wasn't next to me. Oh my god. I have lost him.
I got out of the room, and found him by the table, preparing some butter bread, out of a toaster. And espresso.
"Oh... good morning!" Said he smiling.
"Oh my..."
"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong...?" said he, in a panic.
"No, Jess... No... I was scared as hell because I didn't see you. But you are here."
"Shht, come closer" and I hugged him.
"If there is anything else you wanna know just ask, ok?"

He ate very much. His appetite didn't disappear. At least.

"So, you wanna go meeting with the rest of the boys when you feel alright?" asked I, uncertain.
"Thank you , but I would like to have them here... You know?"
"Ok... Hey, what's wrong?"
"I... Uhm ... I..." his eyes welled up with tears.
"I am sorry but I don't remember ... I am sorry I forgot about you and about that girl, please fill me in about my life. Please. Could you ever forgive me?"
I kept him in the crook of my neck and felt him crying exhausted.
I started singing a lullaby, one I sang to him and he sang to me.

Follow the east wind
There's a rip
Guarding all
The old memories
It gets you to a beach
Where a tower is
This tower she knows all
What will be and what just was
The water keeps a secret
A way for you and the answer
There's a Lifeguard by the rip there
you will find him guarding time
Don't go too south
or you'll be drowned

I felt him relaxing, and told him "I am here for everything, ok?"

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