Se c'è un dio al mondo allora è ingiusto

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Sole's pov:

Jesse's operation went as planned. Yak explained to me things in an easy way. He said I needed to avoid other shocks, since now I was quite feebleminded.
And that Jesse had been put back in the ICU. Where he was resting. His arms got slowly better, but his face still had a black eye and was black and blue.

True. Today there was the Run for HOPE. Apparently Reidy was not the MC of the race, since I saw him at the start of it, on Lamrock avenue. There was a media coverage but yeah. That was it. I recognised Quinno, Jeff, Harries, Gonzo, Maxi, Matt Dee, Quiggers, Kid Mac, Koby Abberton and his wife Olya, she was also competing. And others which I was too tired to name.
My Jesse really did have true friends.

I had to care for him. I was left in hospital with Yak to take care of me and Jesse.

'Honey, are you vaccinated against meningitis?' asked he sweetly.
'No. Why?' asked I, pale and weak. I hated meningitis, since I had problems related to the brain when I was born a premmie, and knew meningitis could be the end of me.

'You have to be, if you want to be a lifeguard. I'll take you to a nurse to vaccinate you. A shot of Bexsero and two of Nimenrix over two weeks should prevent you from any risk of meningococcal meningitis'.

'Thank you...'
We were now in another hospital room with a nurse standing next to a seat. ' Come in and take a seat my dear.'
'My name's Sole' said I smiling.
She looked up at Yak 'Now she's under   stress, it's better if I'm here'

'Did she take any medication?'
'Delorazepam ten drops. I gave her those two days ago, now she's fit for vaccination.'
'It's just a sting...' sang I in a high pitched voice. Bexsero made me nervous the most. Brr.

'And done! Check during the first two hours after the injection and come back if you feel uneasy or anything. Also remember to come in 2 months for the second shot of Nimenrix.'

She said it smiling and it calmed me, so me and Yak left the premises of the vaccination ward and got back to ICU.

There he was, lying peacefully.

'Did he also get his vaccination, Yak?'

'Yeah. Sleep darling...' and I drifted off to sleep.

Days later, after a sleep, I was still in that room. I looked at Jesse, and kissed his soft lips. Then I touched his nape.

What!? Why is his neck stiff?
It could be a sign of meningitis...

'Yak!! Yak where are you??'

There was no Yak... and maybe Jesse had contracted meningitis tipe B... The worst...

'Jesse you  have to wake up... We have to love each other. We have to stay together and see beautiful Bondi... Don't leave me...'

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