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Sole's POV

I was looking at his hand, putting out mine for holding his.
I took his tanned hand and kissed his fingers. Jesse's face had a black eye, bruises on the right side, it was black and blue on the left side.

His body on the other hand was a mishmash of black, purple and blue.

Only the hands were still... Alive, somehow.

I heard some steps behind me, Matt Dee was behind me, away from the door.
He was among my favourite lifeguards, even if he wasn't the first

Then other steps came close. I recognised this pace, it was Maxi.
When he entered he had still a good face, thing that I noticed. 'Hey Maxi'

'Maxi... Why? Why did he have to risk his life for one like me?' I was wailing, he came with his chest on my face for helping me calm down.

'When did you wake up, Sole?'

'I've been up for around thirty minutes. I asked a nurse where Jesse was and they told me that I could find him in the... Here... He's here because of me... He will die because of me... I was scared, I needed his help.'

'Yeah. I know. He' s truly a hero. I would have done the same for you.'


Matt was sitting next to us, on a chair. I asked him "Do you think he will ever...?' but my tears made everything worse.
I clinged to Maxi again. He held me.

'No, Sole. Listen Sole, Maxi told you the truth. Jesse is truly a hero and yeah, he will wake up. He just needs us. He just needs time. He's strong, I know' he had tears in his eyes, as anyone next to him.

A nurse entered in these moments and wheeled him away.
Away from us, away from safety.
To a risky operation to the brain.

I looked at the door, closing automatically and leaving the biggest void ever.
Jesse's own scent got lost between where the bed was and the door.
And again, it smelt of naphtalin.

I was feeling nauseous in that room filled with the scent of disinfectant, so I asked them to take me to the cafeteria.

'Maybe you need to eat something Sole. Did a doctor see you?' Matt Dee.

Always experienced in everything.

'Yes Matt... A nurse and doctor were in my room when I woke up, they checked me and said I was fine to be discharged by tomorrow at 2.'

'But you do not want to leave Jesse here, right?'
'Yes Maxi, you are so right. I heard Reidy on the tv talking about a fund raising race. I heard it will be called HOPE. What's that?'

'Uhm... Did you hear about... For who it was?'

'No' said I while eating.
He kept explaining that they needed money for Jesse's operation. To the brain. And that was the scary thing.
I found out the race was initially meant also for covering the costs of my hospital stay, but since I woke up now the main focus of the race was money for Jesse.

'So the race is tomorrow, you are gonna run?'
'Yes, as all the lifeguards. Jethro, Tom, Reidy himself, Azza, Harries and Whippet are just some.'

'But I wanted to stay with you Sole' piped Matt up.

Oh ok...

Jesse can stay alone for a while, but I still need him...

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