wanting you

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I wanted a picture with Jesse. Just for my collection of various pictures of holidays kept home, back in Austria.
So I knocked their door.
"What's the matter?" He asked.Oh GOD. HE. POLOCK. MR. JESSE POLOCK.
Come on, Pentel, don't be so shy!! I still called myself with the name I would have liked to have if I'd ever be a lifeguard.... Dreams, I know.
"Uhm... Nothing, guess just a picture.... an autograph and probably a... a... Kiss. Yeah I know, sorry Jesse."
"It's fine. Come here. You'd like also a hug if I know what you are, right?"

Cheese! Snapped the pic, had the kiss, the autograph... all is fine. Then I leave.
Pentel! For God's sake don't you dare...
" Bye guys, It was fun to meet you!"
"Bye!!" Whippet greeted me.
Why didn't Jesse greet me? I just hope he knows it was meant to be an innocent kiss. I love him, but not that much!! Ok, this is the worst lie ever...

Jesse pov:
"Wow she's hot!"
"Hey Jesse slower. You know it's against lifeguard protocol to date..."
"I know but she indeed is hot!"
"Ok I get it. You're lost."
I know, Whippet. Maybe again, she is not the one for me. I'm always alone. Shit.
I returned to my duties in the tower after the girl left.

Martina's pov
As I walked out back to my spot, I heard muffled sounds. A poor little fella was crying hard. He must have been only 5.
"Help, help... Mama..."
"Did you get lost darling?? Can't you find mommy?"
"Ich finde Mama nicht..."
God!! He couldn't speak nearly any English, instead he knew German. I also knew German, so asked him how she looked like.
But there were so many people around. So I took his hand and approached two other lifeguards on the beach. They were Maxi and Matt Dee.
"Hey Matt, Maxi!! This young boy got lost... He speaks only German, I can translate for you if you want."
"Ok, ask her what she looks like, maybe I spot her... you know..."
"Yes I know Matt! You're Bondi's luck charm!! Don't worry I'm a huge fan..."
His mother was wearing a pink and blue bikini... and she was with his twin.
"Ok guys, pink and blue bikini. And she's with his twin."
"Ok..." Maxi said "I can't see her... Wait. Tower?"
"Yep? Maxi what's wrong?"
"Is it Jesse through the radio?" I politely asked.
"Yes... seems that Whip is fixing flat rock victims..." Matt said, knowingly...
"Ok I'll have a look through the binocs"
Matt and me were looking around, while Maxi kept an eye on the ocean.
"Got her!! She's between 2nd and 3rd ramp.... And is looking around with the twin in hand."
"Ok, thanks Jesse..." I said.
"Oh it's you again!! Thanks for the help!"
"You're welcome!!" As I was talking to the boy in German I didn't notice Maxi keeping the radio on. So that Jesse heard all.
"Wow!! She's fantastic!"
"Jesse for god's sake, Whip and me already know you like her!!"
In that moment I was a beetroot color. Me and Matt left the rhino and just reunited the boy with his family.
And I just felt so relieved...

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