Help me arigato

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Jesse's pov:
"I... Can't... b... breathe..."
She fainted just before me. I quickly grabbed the radio. "Guys... there's an emergency in the tower... Maxi and  Quinno  I need you up here now... asap yes."
I moved again to Sole. She was really pale... as white as the 'lifeguard' caption on my equipment. More like ghostly white. I quickly grabbed her and put her on the bed, rubbing her sternum. She came around. "Hey, Sole... I'm right here darling... Shhht... It's going to be fine." I was already crying. I checked her gums just to be sure I was not dreaming. And I wasn't. They were white.
I noticed she wanted to tell me something. Whippet was also here now. He took the oxygen out and put it around her head with the strap. "Breathe normally" he said.
"J... Jesse... I'm... so c...old... and scared... no one in Italy believed me when I said I was bleeding... Haemorrhage..." "Understood Sole... did you get hurt?" Asked I while I was keeping her feet higher than her head.
"No... But my lungs hurt... Please breathe for me... please..." she nearly did not have voice. She was pale, breathless literally, she cried. I was crying. I breathed for her. She told me she had stopped a med in Italy and immediately after that a bleeding started. But no one believed her. I kept breathing for her. Maxi by this time had arrived, kept her warm with his body, and Quinno tried to asses her vitals. Until the ambulance arrived. Until I handed her to Yak. For I knew him. And knew he'd do anything for saving a life.
"She needs blood. Immediately. Take mine. There won't be any time in hospital for going taking it. I'm 0-." Quinno put a tourniquet round my arm and I squealed. I did not like the sensation. But if it was for saving the life of my poor Sole I hadn't met yet, then so be it. They took one bag. When suddenly my brother Maxi offered his arm.
"Better have more. Nah?"
I couldn't move. I was still really shocked. Even I was white now. As everyone. When Whippet spoke up suddenly. "May I come?" Yak said yes.
Then he spoke again. "Maxi don't leave Jesse's side for a while, ok? She's safe. Now we leave. Climb on Whip." Whippet left as Hoppo came in the tower from his office. He had heard everything unfold over the radio.

Maxi's pov:
I needed a while to process everything.
Only after 5 good minutes the ambo left, did I speak up.
"That wasn't real, was it?" I was still agape.
Hoppo spoke: "Yes. What was it?"
"About a drug... or something." He looked at me, I looked at him. Then both of us looked at Quinno. For his medical knowledge. He nearly shrugged his shoulders, but asked Jesse. I nearly forgot he was holding the girl's hand.
"Hey Jesse? You're right?"
He had dilated eyes and was shaking. "Yes. Yesterdah... Yesterday she told m-me th-that... She... She had only just arrived. But she was already very c-cold and I... I... I'm sorry Maxi... Brother..." I slid my arms round him and rocked him gently.
"Jesse... brother do you hear me?" I asked quietly. I sweetly rubbed his back.
"Y-yes... I..." he was in shock.
Whatever happened must really have affected him deeply. I just hoped that 2 bags of blood were enough.

Jesse's pov:
I gave her my blood. I just hope she'd be saved.

HEY GUYS!! I'm so awfully sorry that I let you wait one month!! Even more... I had a writer's block but finally I overcame it. I'm happy about how this is coming out! Tomorrow new chapter. And yes, this really happened to me... obvs without Jesse Polock saving me... or rather... I kept thinking about his topaz eyes for saving me when I was walking those 700 metres to mom. It helped. So yeah, he saved me. What would he think of this story?? 
Please, vote and comment! I just adore you!  And abistarxoxo knows more about this. So yeah, this chap and the next will be dedicated to you, darling... 😘

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