Ich sinke nicht

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Whippet's pov:

We immediately started the short ride to emergency, but it really seemed so long. Yak and another paramedic told me to stay by her side. Hold her hand, call her. It seemed to me that yesterday she also showed a soft spot for me. But, who knows.

I have to save you, I promised him! You can't die this young!! Live on my little darling, live on for Jesse!! At least.
I just can't go back to him and tell him that you... died.

"Come on Whip, don't feel numb you too!! I need your help!!"
"Ah, yes, I'm just here... Honey you hear me??"

Beep beep

"Hey what's that??"
"She's in cardiac arrest!! Some adrenaline!!" Spoke Yak as she was handed to emergency physicians.

Inside the hospital, she was given other Transamin vials in an iv drip that wasn't connected to blood bags, but she had two cardiac arrests. No one wanted me to touch her. But my Lifeguard shirt spoke for myself and they let me pass. Everyone was looking at me.
"Fucking help her!! There is still hope!!" It seemed that Yak had been called out on the ambo again. I was left alone, but still performed one last cpr on her.

Come on darling. Come on. Be strong.

A nurse came in the room and inserted the iv drip with Jesse's blood in her livid vein.
The one from Maxi already run out.
And that beep beep sound I adored. Started again.
But they didn't tell me that Maxi followed desperately begged by Jesse. To see if everything was good. They didn't tell me he run out back to Bondi. To an awfully guilty Jesse who was already questioning his lifeguarding skills. They didn't tell me that he thought she was long gone.

Martina's pov:

When I woke up, I felt wrong.
I thought I was in sweet Bondi, instead around me there were white walls, a white blanket, everything was white. It was hot but not  too much, and the strange sensation was that I actually could breathe on my own. I felt like something had pushed so hard on me.

Was it CPR?

I looked at my wrist. It was very difficult, but I managed. My bracelet was topaz colored. And my skin was white.
Something was stinging, and everybody knew that I hated stinging sensations.
I still felt really tired, like I had been drained of all my strenght. And I was a strong one for having all my problems, physically and mentally.
I managed to speak, but my mezzosoprano voice came out as a moan.

Oh God. Am I really this weak?

Next to my bed there was a chair. On that chair there was a person. It took me a while to understand who it was, but in the end I recognised  him as Whippet.
He was half asleep, so I buzzed for a nurse. I was weak. And there was no one who could tell more about my chaos.
Well, apart the sleepy guard next to me. Who atm was useless.

Hooray, at least my dark sarcasm hasn't gone like my life!!

The nurse came in.
"Someone who really loves you gave you his blood."
"May I know who he is??"
"I think you'll find out on your own. So" she said looking at me, "your vital signs are alright. You just need to take everything really easy and don't stress too much. But you could go home. And rest for at least one day" she said with a smile.
"Thank you"

Even Whip was awake now. He brought me some Weetabix to eat, which he gave me. I felt too weak for eating myself, and he had to feed me.
"How are you feeling?" Asked he with a smile. He must have been glad that I had been saved.
"Really weak... But I wanna leave this place asap. It freaks me out" said I with a weak voice.
"Ok. Let's go sign you out."

We signed out. When we arrived at the beach, Maxi was out the tower. Even he was relieved I was right. When suddenly I had an idea that was probably the best one that I ever had.
"Whippet could you carry me like a bride, please? I still feel so out..."

"Of course" and his strong arms were holding me. I felt safe. But the safest, I felt with Jesse. I moved him and Maxi away from the tower and instructed Maxi to enter there and act as if it was too late.
Just to see if Jesse really loved me. But I didn't say it.

Jesse's pov:

Someone entered the tower. It was Maxi, but I had an awful sensation. When he started talking.
"Mate... I... Brother... Unfortunately... the girl from this arvo... That... She died."

What? No. No no no no. This must be a nightmare.

"Maxi wake me up. This is a nightmare. Right?? Please tell me it is a nightmare. It can't be true. It just can't. I mean... I gave her... My-My blood and... and... for saving her."
I was crying. I was defeated. As the lifeguard I thought I was and the good person I was trying to become. For winning my past. And now this??

Maxi was holding me. Striking my back as to confort me.
When a light tap was heard. Me and him looked shocked at what we saw. Like two ghosts there were standing Whippet holding that girl (my girl) in his arms.
I looked at Maxi. I was so fucking angry at him.

"Maxi was nearly right, Jesse. I nearly died at the hospital. It seems that Whippet attempted one last desperate try with CPR. Foe trying to save me."
"Thanks Whip." Said I with sincere gratitude in my eyes.
"No worries mate, it's my job"
He handed her to me when she spoke again. "I think I remember something... Someone was looking at me when I fainted. And I think it was morning."
I decided to help her out of doubts.
"You're right. It was 6.15 when it happened. You may not know this, but it is normal. I was the person who was in front of you when you fainted. I helped you out" She became pale.
So Maxi quickly gave her the oxygen.
"S-s-sorry Jesse... I didn't mean to scare you... I mean, because you are my favourite lifeguard... I think thinking about your eyes gave me the possibility to crawl til here.
And the nurse at the hospital told me that someone who loves me gave me his blood. I'd like to thank this person."
"It was us" said I pointing to Maxi. He was proudly smiling.
Then she collapsed again in my arms.
She started saying that she was sorry... and I kept her in the crook of my neck.

So, this is it for now... as promised yesterday eveningI'll leave you for up to one month, I still need to finish uni shit. Hope really that this long chapter will keep you busy until then.

Dedicated to abistarxoxo. You know who you are. Love you.

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