I love you

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Sole's pov:

I felt drained, like I had nothing left. I had been sobbing for a while. Deano was close to me. I hadn't even noticed that. He was holding me.
'Jess... you can't have meningitis! You can't!! He can't, right Deano?'
'I don't know... if he catched it it is probably because of a small trauma to his meninges...'

'My love... I love you...' said I, with tears in my eyes.

'When was my vaccination?' Asked I. My throat hurt.
'Two weeks ago...'
'Fourteen days... he's been in a coma for fourteen days... I am scared he'll die... Delight, can you hear me?' . I asked, holding his hand. Now both his hands were fine, his body appeared fine. I was given Bexsero and Nimenrix, so actually I was immune to these bacteria. We were in an ICU isolated from the rest of the hospital. It was for cases like these.
'Hey Deano?'
'When is Maxi going to get here? He sent me a message that today he would come. But did not mention an hour'.
'In short time he should be here. He told me he'll get here for two pm. It's only ten minutes. Now I have to leave, I'll be down at Bondi. Love you. Tell me anything as soon as you know...'
'Ok. Thank you.' When Deano left, I focused again on Jesse. 'Jesse... I LOVE YOU... Sniff... sniff'
'I know you love him. I also love him. Of a special love. He's my brother.' Maxi was here.
'Oh Maxi. Oh my god. It is so awful. The pain inside is eating me alive. If I never met Edoardo this thing would never have happened. Try to talk to him, I tried to arouse him but I failed. I failed so bad. And I feel shit about this.'

'Ok, I'll try... Could you... Could you just give us some space?'
'Of course.' I stepped back... And hoped. My conscience weighed so heavy. I hated me for causing this.

Maxi's pov:
My beloved brother was here. Once I was Bert and he was Ernie. Like the Muppets. We were inseparable. And now a stupid meningitis is separating us again. But wait... Do people who are in a coma feel what people round them say? Yak once told me yes. I hope he's right. Otherwise I can't survive with the sense of guilt of not having saved him.
I took his hand in mine and did it. I kissed him. It was one of my secret fantasies, and now I realized it. I just hope he's gonna forgive me.
'Jesse... You are strong. You are my beloved big bruddah. You can't... you can't just die. 'We'll do everything together' you promised once. And you have to keep what you promised me. I love you. I don't know what I could do if I lost you. I love you... Sole, come here..."

Sole's pov:

'Hmh... what... what happened?' A voice I have not heard in so long. A voice I missed. Oh my!
'Oh my... Jesse... I...' and I returned to sobbing.
'Who are you? And... Who am I?'
'Ah... I...'
'Sole I'll get a doctor...' said Maxi disappearing.

I kept looking at Jesse. He did not remember me. Maybe he remembered Maxi.

'Hello, Jesse. I'm doctor Kwon, I'll examine you today'.
He must be korean.
Do you know what day it is today?'
'The 5th of January... as far as I know...'
'It's already the 25th of January...' said the doctor.
'You missed two weeks of the month...' said Maxi.
'Do you know what your job is?' Again the doc.
'No... I don't even know my name...'
'Amnesia' he says shortly.
'We'll start from a series of CT scans to his brain... but after these he's alright to go home'

Jesse's pov:

I'm left in the hands of this doctor... I couldn't even tell Maxi that I remembered him... because I don't know what happened.
I don't know...

Hi guys! Sorry so awfully sorry for having left you like this... I was inspired again after having watched the whole series 13 of BR.... and I had a bit 9f time in between my graduation efforts...

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