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"I can't believe we are here!" Calum sighed.

I grinned and side hugged Calum. "I can't believe you made it." I mumbled against the side of his chest.

Calum smiled down at me and wrapped his arms around me before bringing me into a proper hug. "I'm so glad your here. Loving the new hair sis." He winks at me.

I laugh a little and push a newly green dyed piece of hair behind me ear. "Well I'm always following Michaels trends." I grinned.

Calum released me from the hug and took my hand in his. "Come on the boys are waiting."

He lead me through crowds until we made it backstage. We both stepped in and I began to feel nervous. "Just wait here." Calum smiled. I stood by the door and began to panic a little. I didn't know where I was. I'm in a room full of strangers.

I attempted to control the shaking but nothing helped. I managed to stop the sobs from escaping my mouth and closed my eyes. I hunched up into a ball against the wall. I could do this. I can do this. I opened my eyes slightly to be met by a pair of bright blue ones. He raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "Calum told me to wait here." I stood up slowly, still kinda shaky. I noticed how tall the boy was. In fact he was probably the tallest person I have ever met. Then it clicked. Luke Hemmings.

"Nah, it's cool." Luke smiled. "It's ok to be a little panicky sometimes. It what's makes us human really." He nudged ms slightly.

I chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Thanks for that." Luke smiled in return. "Now, know where I can find that dipshit of a brother of mine anywhere?"

Luke grinned and put an arm around my shoulders. "Of course. He's by the food."

"As usual." We both said at the same time. We burst out laughing and made our way over to Calum.

Today was going to be amazing. If only Ashton was here.

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