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"You'll never guess who got noticed!" Luke cheered.

Michael raised a hand while Ashton shook his head.

"Yes Michael?" Luke raises an eyebrow.

"It was Evie." Michael sighs.

"You were correct!" Luke cheers again.

I groan. Mainly besides I'm annoyed at Luke telling everyone and because I'm in pain. In turns out crashing your car can give you a few bruises.

"I mean look at this line!" Luke gestures to the piece of paper he is now holding. "'I've got a lover I love like a legend.'"

Ashton's eyes flicker to mine and a small smile spreads on his face. I send one back before reaching up and snatching my lyrics out of Luke's hands.

"Your being annoying." I scold.

Luke just grins and jumps next to me, snuggling his nose into the crook of my neck. I wrap an arm around him and play with the back of his hair. Ashton leaves the room. He can't stand seeing me and Luke together. Maybe I shouldn't of let him kiss me.

Michael follows Ashton's footsteps and Luke lazily wraps an arm around my stomach. He kisses my neck before looking up at me.

"Your our opening act baby." Luke's smile grows wider. "Your our opening act."

We both snuggle into each other before falling asleep.

* * *
We fell asleep only to be woken by Michael singing at the top of his lungs and Ashton banging his drums.

"See I told you they would wake up!" Michael shouts.

"Fuck you." I groan.

"Right Evie your on in 5 and 5sos?" The stage manger calls out.

"Here!" Ashton shouts.

"Get Calum, your on in 15."

I brush my hair and touch up my makeup before grabbing a microphone and heading out on stage. Everyone starts screaming as I smile.

"Hey guys!" I say into the microphone. "It's a pleasure to be here. Quite unexpected actually." Everyone calms down as I continue to talk. "I was found in a hospital. Someone heard me singing in the bathroom. Crazy huh?"

I clear my throat. "So my first song is Training Wheels." I sit by the piano and put my microphone in the stand. I play the first few chords before beginning.

"Riding down, riding down, my hand on your seat the whole way round."

"I love everything you do, when you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do, I wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed, no training wheels left for you."

I turned my drum sticks around my fingers as Evie's voice filled the room. It was beautiful. It was sweet and full of hope. She was singing in the hospital bathroom when our manger walked by. Stupid I know. But so true. I love Evie.

I wasn't so sure before but now, after the kiss, I am. It kills me to see her and Luke together. It kills me.

"So guys! This song is dedicated to a very special person, who I didn't truly knew until I met them. And when I did, it was amazing."

Luke's eyes shine as though this song was for him. Some of me thinks it is, but some of me knows it's for me.

She started on the piano again. Clearing her throat she sang the first line. "You were dancing in your tube socks, in our hotel room. Flashing those eyes like highways signs."

She sang through the whole song, but the last line caught my attention. She hesitated a little bit sang it anyway.

"I'm sorry but I fell in love tonight. I didn't mean to fall in love tonight."

It was as though she was saying sorry for loving me or Luke. She finishes and bowed, thanking everyone before coming back in the room where Michael engulfed her in a hug.

"You were amazing! My favourite was the one about playing tag." Michael grinned.

"Can't. Breathe." Evie squeezed out.

Michael chuckled and let her go. She came over to me next and smiled. I returned her smile. Evie nudged me and grinned.

"How'd I do then drummer boy?" She joked.

"You were amazing." I complimented. "My favourite was the last one."

Evie's face went a little red and she brought me in for a hug and whispered in my ear. "If you didn't know. It was about you."

She pulled away and went over to Luke who kissed her and embraced her. I turned away and bit my lip.

Oh how I wish that was me.

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