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"So what do you want to drink Evie?" Luke asked.

He led me into a small room that looked like the boys living room. He went over to the fridge and opened it as if to show me the choice of drinks there was.

"She wants Dr. Pepper of course." Calum sings as he punches my arm lightly. "She's addicted to that shit."

Luke laughs but still hands me a can of Dr. Pepper. I grin and open the can and almost moan when the cherry flavoured fizz hits my tongue.

Calum grabs a small beer out the fridge and shuts the door. Two more boys walk in. Both are laughing at something one of them said. I notice the green haired boy first. Michael Clifford. Then the curly haired one. Ashton Irwin.

They both sit down and Luke clears his throat. Michael looks at Luke while Ashton cracks his knuckles. I'm in the same room as Michael Clifford and Luke Hemmings.

"Guys this is Evie, Calum's sister." Luke gestures over to me and a give a small wave, but Michael has other plans as he instantly gets up and grabs me into a tight hug.

"Your hair is amazing!" He says as he pulls away. He ruffles it a little. "I'm Mich-"

"Your Michael Clifford. Don't worry I know who you are." I grin. "And your Luke." I gesture to Luke who nods and smiles at me. "And your Ashton Irwin." I point to Ashton who is just staring at me. "Calum always talks about you." I laugh.

Ashton's eyes narrow and he sends a glare over to Calum. "Is he?" He grunts.

"Um yeah, he's as much as a Cashton shipper as I am." I try to lighten the mood up a little.

Ashton just nods and goes back to messaging on his phone. Luke sends me a sad smile while Michael can't stop touching my hair.

"It's even the same colour Cal! Look!" He holds my hair up to his and grins wildly.

Calum just shakes his head and carefully removes my hair out of his grasp. "Leave my sisters hair alone." Calum chuckles.

Michael pouts but strops off anyway. Luke quickly stands up and grabs my hand. "I wanna show you something cool." He grins.

I look towards Calum who shrugs and walks away to sit next to Michael. I turn back to Luke and nod. But I can't stop thinking about what Ashton's problem is. I know he's meant to be the moody one out the group but it seems like he's got a problem with me already.

Luke leads me up some stairs and onto a hanging balcony above the stage. He gestures towards the empty seats of the arena. Small dimly lit lights make the place look magical. I smile and stare out.

"It's beautiful." I whisper.

"Not as beautiful as you." Luke murmurs.

"Flirting already Mr. Hemmings?" I laugh.

"No. Just being honest." He smiles.

I feel a blush creep up into my skin as Luke stares at me for a little while more before informing me we have to go back to the boys. We head back and Michael and Calum are no where to be seen.

"I'm going to go look for them, you stay here." Luke smiles.

I glance and Ashton who glares at Luke. "You'll be fine." Luke shrugs before going to the stairs.

This is going to be a long day.

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