Love me do...

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Let us start todays post with a bit of a congratulations... 

Look at this cutie pie

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Look at this cutie pie... Congrats Paulie dear! This is well deserved! You've worked so hard to achieve your dreams and as we can all see all your hard work has paid off! Keep up the work love! 

Alrighty hello folks! I hope all is well!

Look what mum bought at the store last night.... 

Regardless if they were made in the states or not

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Regardless if they were made in the states or not... WE WILL HAVE ENGLISH TEA AND CRUMPETS NOW!!  Im super chuffed lol! They are seriously the best things ever... I don't even know where to begin to describe them... well they are amazing... if you can find them in your local grocery store... I highly suggest you pick them up! 

She's totally giving into my unhealthy obsession with British culture... They better get ready for when I come to England after I graduate... I'm gonna be that crazy kid from the states looking at everything around me in awe.... 

Going with the British culture theme thingy... So I've stumbled upon the Sherlock series with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman... great show kids if you can find episodes! Oh OH OH and Monty Python per suggestion of my manager at work! Fun fact... our Georgie took part in the creation of Monty Python : Life of Brian... he even has a bit of a cameo... Check that out too kids!!!

Well this post is a bit short... I really don't have much to say this evening! Many apologies! All I've got on my mind is my tea and finishing the Sherlock episode that I was on!

Till next time my dears!

Much Love always,


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