I got a shot... in the ass.

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Welcome back! I hope all is well with everyone. 

Well it's been a hot second since I last wrote anything. I can tell you for sure that nothing happened since the last time I wrote. I actually haven't been to actual school in a week. I have somehow managed to have a migraine everyday for the past week and a half. The only school function that I went to was Trial Practice. Oh what a joy that was. It wasn't boring...it was just the fact that I had to sit through the 2 1/2 hour class, feeling like my brain was bleeding out of my head. I finally broke and went to the docs...and ohhh boy do I have a story to tell you.

So, Saturday after my shift at the hardware store, I had my Mum drive me up to the doctors. I was fed up with having a migraine every friggin day. After sitting in the waiting room for an hour we were called back for the consultation with the Doc. Your home gurl has been diagnosed with chronic migraines. Well I could have deduced that by myself. He said that they were more than likely due to stress from school. Honey...there ain't nothing that I can do about that...stress comes with the territory of any college student. So...He gave me a bunch of stress reliever tips and then suggested some medication...Now here's the kicker...he recommended that I get a shot to start the meds off. Any one who knows me knows that I absolutely detest shots. Everything about them turns me off. The needle, the blood, and even the medication itself.

To convince me to get the shot...he bribed me with a pack of gummies.... WHICH I DID NOT GET AFTER SAID SHOT. I was very upset about this. 

Alright here comes the good part. This is all coming from my Mum. I do not recall any of this. 

So I started psyching myself up for this shot... assuming that I was going to get it in my arm like any standard shot. Well, I couldn't have been anymore wrong. The nurse walks in and giggles saying that it doesn't go there...it is administered in the butt cheek. Gurl...I could have killed someone. I moaned and groaned then pretty much said fuck it...lets get it over with. 

Heres where I black out and don't remember a thing. 

Apparently as soon as the nurse administered the shot I made this face...

She then proceeded to put a bandaid on and left the room saying she would be back in 5 minutes to check on me

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She then proceeded to put a bandaid on and left the room saying she would be back in 5 minutes to check on me. I guess the shot started to burn...or was super unpleasant. At this point my Mum said that I looked at her, pupils completely blown out, and just started to giggle hysterically. I then proceeded to just pass out. 



Bye Felicia...she out. 

She said that it was the funniest thing she's ever seen...well besides me just completely blacking out on her. She said that was a little scary and wasn't expecting me to do that at all. 

I'm ok now. Still suffering from a minor migraine...or what ever you want to call it. They aren't as bad as they were before. I now have to go every 2 weeks to get another lovely shot. Go team.... thanks college. 

Thats all. I haven't done anything else but sleep and consistently complain about my head. 

Hopefully I'll have something else to talk about another day! I hope that little story gave you a bit of a giggle. I wish my mum would have recorded it... well there is always next time.

Stay cool cats...

Until next time...

Much love always, 


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