I want to break free...

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I'm alive.

I'm back.

I'm here.

Did you miss me? 

Well wasn't that a bit dramatic? Well after just about a month of being MIA...I've finally made a come back. For fucks sake I don't even know if you all have stuck around. Now here comes the typical *I've been so busy...please forgive me* None of that shit here folks. NO EXCUSES. I've totally put this little shinding on the back burner. I've missed this honestly. I haven't been on Wattpad in an age...well honestly since I accidentally deleted the app off my phone. I just haven't got around to downloading it again. Nothing has changed... so you really haven't missed much...I can swear to that.  Still schooling...still complaining about life. Whats new? Life changing events coming up. Beauty and the Beast comes out on the 17th of this month. Super pumped for that. I'm getting a tattoo on the 12th of this month. Every one has bet that I will chicken out. There is a good possibility of that happening...though I'm read to prove everyone wrong. I'm a big girl. I am a bit nervous though...this is literally a life changing event...a permanent one at that.  I'll leave it a secret as to what I am getting. I'll tell you this though...it's small. Small enough for me to be able to hide or cover with makeup for court. 

Nothing else has really changed. The ever monotonous story of my life continues on hah. I need an adventure to go on...Or maybe just something new to do in general. Any suggestions?

It's great to be back kids. Hopefully we will talk again soon.

Stay cool cats...

Much love always, 


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