4 Score and 7 billion years ago...

11 3 0

4 score and 7 billion years ago......

There was a girl who used to update this blog....


School is over and I'm finally on winter holiday. According to Wattpad... I haven't written anything since November 18th... I am so sorry. I don't even know where to begin. The holidays came up...finals week happened... I got sick and still am sick with some mystery illness... needless to say... the past few weeks have been absolutely hellacious! I've felt so guilty that I haven't posted... My notification marker was absolutely insane... almost 200 notifications! I have a shit ton to catch up on! So what are we going to do until January 17th of the new year? Hopefully catch up on all of the updates that I have missed. I'm not sure if anything super interesting will happen...but if it does I'll make sure to let you all know!

So how is everyone? I hope all is well...If you're in college.. I hope you survived finals week...or if you're in the middle of finals... Godspeed my fellow college kids. I swear this semester gave me the college version of PTSD...

Today marks the first day of winter holiday and all last night I panicked that I had class or some assignment due tomorrow. Actual nightmares kids... I don't know if its my body relieving stress...or the on-going fever that I've had since last Saturday...the world may never know. 

So I'm gonna tell you about the dream I had the first night that I had my fever. 

So it starts out... I'm back at the Paul McCartney concert... and he makes this big announcement that a few people can come up on stage and if they look through these magical goggles and are able to find Sgt. Pepper... they can hang out with him after the concert. So of course I ran up on stage and proceeded to look through the goggles. While I'm looking through these goggles... The Benefit of Mr. Kite is playing in the background.... at this point I can only describe the dream as going on an acid trip or some shite like that... It was like if the song came to life... The dream was a lucid dream too. I knew I was dreaming and I could control myself and some of the stuff going on around me. I managed to get transported to a circus and all of the boys were there dressed up in Sgt. Pepper costume... I specifically remember John and Paul... I looked away from the goggles and Old Paul was standing next to me in a red shirt and jeans... getting ready to ask me something...but before he could ask I woke up. 

Weirdest fuckin thing to ever happen to me....

Ugh thinking about the dream now gives me chills.

Well unless you want to hear me bitch and moan about finals week... I'll end it here! It's good to be back!

I love you all so very much!

Until next time....

Much love always,


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