Blue Moon of Kentucky

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Well for fucks sake...

That travel journal thing I started just kinda died... Well I tried...obviously not hard enough haha.

Well I'll try and sum it up tonight. Tuesday we spent the day with my Grandmother. Went to the show and out to dinner.  Wednesday we were supposed to be able to spend the whole day in Michigan..but my brothers boss decided to be a dick and call him at 5 in the evening saying that it would be in his best interest to be into work at 9 am the next morning. WE WERE 340 MILES AWAY.... 7 HOURS IN GOOD WEATHER. I was pissed off to say the least. So my brother and I booked it home from the shopping center we were at... ran around my Nanas house like a chicken with our head cut off... packed up the car like a game of Tetris and finally hit the road about 7pm. We hit some pretty dicey weather at one point so it took us a little bit longer to get home than usual.  We finally got home about 2 am... I've never been so happy to see my bed. 

We now come to today... I've done absolutely nothing... I still haven't unpacked. I've played guitar a bit... but nothing really of interest. I can't really do anything with the weather being as shit as its been lately here in Kentucky. 

I've come to the realization that I'm a pretty boring person on the regular. haha! Maybe I'll meet someone famous in the next couple days... or something magical will happen. If anything like that does happen... you guys will be the first to know! Promise!

Well I'm going to sign off here! Have a blessed New Years! Stay safe and have fun! 

Stay cool cats...

Much love always, 


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