Mull of Kintyre

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Hello my loves! 

I hope all is well with you!

It is now that point in the week where I come back with a post for you! I have to admit...I've been quite busy since Monday... Homework has been rolling in hot! As a matter of fact... I'm putting some of it off to write to you this evening! It's going to be a long night! I see many cuppas in the near future!

So this week, same as always, I have been drawn to listen to Paul. This time around, I have become quite attached to the Mull of Kintyre song. I remember when I first listened to it, I hated it... It didn't sound like anything I could imagine Paul to put out. Well... I came at it from a different angle and learned how to play it on guitar... I was hooked on the song from that point on. Here recently, I've started listening to it again. I find the song relaxing but motivating at the same time. From the relaxing point of view, listen to the lyrics that he sings about. He tells a story of a beautiful location where he lived, and still lives if I'm correct. It paints such a beautiful picture in your mind...even without watching the music video that accompanies the song. Then to the motivating point of the song. This one is a little harder for me to put into words. I find that when it gets to just the instrumental part, where the bagpipes really come in, I get almost a boost of energy or what I like to think of as a minor adrenaline rush. It may not be the same for you, but all around I understand why this song has the accolades that it does. Well done, Paul love...It's a beautiful song. 

So, I finally managed to get my hands on that stinking RollingStones magazine! I was one happy camper after I found it at the Walmart next to campus...I'll be honest... I made a bit of a fool of meself when I found it... Pretty sure I provided the entertainment for the older lady who was the cashier of the line I found the magazine in and proceeded to check out in her line as well... I'm glad that I could make someones day! 

I hope for those who are starting back to College... or Uni... which ever you prefer... I call it both... or if you are even going back to Grade school... I wish you all the best of luck this year! I hope all goes well for all of you! We all need a little bit of luck sent our way! Boosts morale lol!

I must leave here children! I don't want to be up any later than I have toooooo....ughhhhh *whines a bit more....then groans a bit more... then rolls around on the floor.... then cries to myself in the mirror... then a bunch of other stuff...*

I have to complete two, 2 hour long movies... both about some form of law and then test over them... A long night I have ahead of me... Wish me luck lol!

I'll see you Monday! Have a wonderful weekend my loves!

Much love always!


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