Will you do the Fandango?

7 2 1

I'm back?

Two weeks later....

I plan and plan and plan posts...then all goes to shit and I never get around to them. 

Well here we are! I'm back! I am currently into my third week of school...half of its hell and half of it is ok. I think my favorite class this semester by far is my Philosophy of Love and Sex. "1/3 love 2/3 sex" as my lovely professor described the class on the first day.  The class I hate the most is my online history class. It is absolutely dreadful...the woman who teaches the class doesn't have internet at home, makes her assignments as vague as possible, and then has multiple assignments due everyday. IT'S AN ELECTIVE CLASS FOR FUCKS SAKE! It doesn't go towards my major whatsoever...I just needed the credit hours. Tell me this... what person teaches an online class who doesn't have access to the internet at home? I could go on and on about this class.

Ok let's take a poll...
Italian or German?
I plan on taking a foreign language next semester and I can't pick between the two. I feel like I should follow my heritage and learn Italian. Although I kinda wanna break out of the box and learn German. There's no way in hell I'll be able to learn both at the same time. Not with my schedule. Let me know what you think!

That's all I have. Not much for missing out on 2 weeks worth of posts...but not much else has happened. Hope to be back soon!

Stay cool cats

Until next time

Much love always,

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