Chapter 10

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"Good Morning Mrs. Dallas" a feminine voice walked around my room, "Lester" I mumbled, "what" she opened the curtains revealing he sunlight. "Lester, it's not Dallas, it's Danika Lester" I hid under my covers, "yet" she whispered and threw the covers off me. "We were informed to teach you about out laws, by the Alpha" she stands straight and tall, with her hands crossed over her, making her seem more ladylike. "Can we just say, I've gotten sick" I tell her, "today will be fun, I promise" she smiles.

"Let me get dressed" she nods and walks out of the room, taking long strides, closing the door behind her. I dressed in a off white shirt with a floral United Kingdom flag, bright baby blue skinny jeans and navy converse. I curled my hair, Danika Dallas, Danika Bordelon  my wolf laughed, 'Danika Lester' I said to her. "Are you ready yet, Ms. Lester" she knocks on the door, I grab my sunglasses and run out to her.

We walk out of the house, "I'm Cameron's mom, by the way" she locks the front door, "so is this a tour" I ask, as her phone rings. "Yes, I told you I'm off today" she puts a finger up indicating silence, she ends the call. "I'm sorry Danika, I was hoping we could bond today, but my job needs me, I'll call up a friend, your age" she smiles and walks away. I stand outside the house, on the steps because she has locked me out. I groan in frustration because the sun has decided to shine right on me, making me heat up, I sit down on the steps behind a bush.

"Hi, you must be the rogue, Danika" I shot up, with wolf speed, knocking her to the ground, pinning her but the neck. "Call me rogue, one more time" I growl, I see her gasping for air "oh my god, I am so sorry" I stand up. "Stupid mutt" she coughs, and moves her hand in a formation, I fly back into the stairs, I curse. "Thanks for ruining a good dress" she dusts off her floral dress, with a baby blue denim jacket, and salmon pink wedges.

Her black feather earrings his well in her dirty blonde hair, "I'm sorry about the dress" I look awkwardly at her. "Don't worry about it" she walks away, expecting me to follow like a puppy, but she did a formation with her hand again, pulling me forward.

"As you may have knew, the house we just left, Beta Cameron's house, nice isn't it" she moves her hand around showing me Cameron's house and the yard. "Next, we have the Alpha's house it's about a few miles away from everyone else" she keeps walking, "the pack house, is for when he wants to stay with the pack, if you are wondering this is where you would've been held, if you kept escaping" she smiled, innocently. "Here resides Bart's kids, his true mate ran away, rumor is she had children elsewhere" she kicks a pebble, "Bart has five kids, three girls and two boys, Reagan is the only one who actually interacts with the pack."

"What about his other wives" I ask, "Bart has children with them, but the five are the true kids, destined to be Alphas" we walk by the house, on a gravel path. "Here are the children" there was at least seven kids, running around kicking at a soccer ball, "Mommy" one of the small children ran towards us. He hugged the girl, "hello Brennen" she plays with the small boy's hair, "mama can I tell you a secret" she bends down to his level, "who is she" he cuffs his hands around her ear. "That's daddy's friend, Nika" she smiles, "the rogue" he whispers back, "you attack my son, I kill you" she looks at me, putting her son, behind her. "I won't hurt him, I was stressed out earlier, tired of telling people to stop calling me rogue" I say calmly. "I'm Brennen" he held out his hand, "I'm Nika" I shook his hand, I looked towards the other children, without even looking after my glance, "they don't like you."

"Brennen, run along now" the girl shoos him away, "by the way, my name is Bree" she smiled. "Well Bree you have a beautiful child" I smile back, "thanks, I always get dirty looks from elders" she looked down, as we followed he path back to Cameron's house. "Why because they're not young and don't have an adorable son" I laugh, "no because, my son is the descendant of an Alpha, but won't have a chance to be one" she paused, "and they think I'm a massive whore for having a kid for the Alpha, instead of my mate."

We walked passed Cameron's house, "where is your mate" we walk pass a creek, "he hasn't showed up yet" Bree picks up some pebbles. "I would've ran, if I wasn't caught by Jack" she smiles, "Jack, he hasn't found his mate yet" I laugh. "How did you push me away, with the flick of your wrist" she looks wide eyed, "I am actually a hybrid, werewolf witch" she laughs, "I was once running in a pack, until we were ambushed by this pack" her grin disappears. "I watched my family be slaughtered" she shivers.

"Hello Mrs. Bordelon, Ms. Lester" I nod at the old man offering us bread, for an old man he was quite fit. We walked the small town, offerings were made, but I rejected, sometimes.

"You girl, you will bring the end to our pack" an old woman dressed in bright clothing says to me, pointing a bony finger at me. "Who will you pick" she cackles, "let's go Nika, no sense in listening to old hags" Bree pulled me away. "You're the devil child, the one who will help her to our doom" she pointed at Bree, Bree hissed at her, "you'll be the last one gone, as you watch every one of your family die." The old woman gasped and ran into the shadows.

"Everyone here, is friendly, well somewhat" she points to a rather large house on the outskirts of the town, "that's the Pack house" she smiles. "And here are your house keys" she hands me a set of keys, "race back" she walks to a trail, it leads to Cameron's house and Bart's getaway suite" she laughs. "Bye" I take off, "you cheater" she runs after me, shortly behind, "Come on Nika, you're full wolf, and I'm still able to keep up" Bree mocks. I run faster.

"Nika, slow down" Bree says, I slow down as she catches up, out of breath, she curses under her breath. "I've never ran that far before, well in a long time, she looks back and the town is hidden well in the darkness of the night. I walk to Cameron's house, as she jogs all the way back to Bart's house.

I use the keys to open the door, I go to the kitchen and warm up a meal, that was left behind by Cameron. It was pizza and hot wings, I ate the wings cold, because I was too hungry to wait for it to warm up. I take a bite into the pizza, it doesn't tastes as delicious as it is fresh. I leave the dishes, and walk to Cameron's bedroom, his room still smelled of him, his cologne. I laid down on the bed, curled in a ball, and cuddling with a pillow, soon my eyelids grew heavy, and slowly the room turned black, as I fell into slumber.

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