Chapter 27

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I wave to Sam as he watches the car pull away, he waves back, and turns away when the car turns out of his sight. Izzy blows raspberries while playing with the seatbelt I strapped on her. "Izzy, you stop it now" she looks up at me, and shrieks, I pull out my phone and hand it to her, she bites on it and throws it around beside her.

I watch all the buildings pass by, it was mid afternoon, so traffic was beginning to form from behind us. I've never been this far into California, I only stayed at the pack house and the nearest town that we shopped at. In England, Casper would take me around the towns, and we'd go exploring, sometimes shop for ourselves, we never went the same place twice.

"Okay Miss, we're here" he pulls up beside a pier, "okay thanks" I unbuckle Izzy and take my bag, seems like Sam already paid for the trip. "Wawer" Izzy bounced up and down on my hip, as she saw the waves curl and hit the shoreline. I walked across the beach with my slippers, my bathing suit underneath my loose white tank top with blue shortcuts. I sat Izzy down on the beach sand, she started throwing it. I braided my hair, into a fishtail, "shall we" I pick up the small human and we play in the water, but I keep a close eye on my belongings, going back to them every ten to fifteen minutes.

"Nika" I heard my name being shouted as I sat beside the soaked Isabelle, I took my sunglasses off a little to see about four guys run my way, I stand up. Shawn, Taylor, Jack and Jack run towards me, they tackle me to the floor, Izzy shrieks as I hit the floor. They were all shirtless, a fangirl's dream, they all slowly rolled off of me. Shawn hugged me first, "you're back" he smiles as his chin goes over my head. "I... I.. Umm never mind" I hide my face into the crook of his neck.

The next to hug me was Taylor, he hugs me and tries not to cry, but pulls me into another hug to hide his tears. "Jacks" I look towards them, wiping tears away, Johnson smiles and starts running, Gilinksy realizes the advantage J took, and runs also. "Nika" Johnson yells, I open my arms he jumps into them, making me stumble, then G runs at us in full force knocking us all to the ground. "She's so cute" Shawn holds Izzy in his arms, she blows a raspberry at him, and looks at Taylor, their gaze doesn't shift away. I heard J curse, Gilinsky started to laugh, I growl as their gaze makes him weak, he falls to the ground.

I run over to him, the Jacks fight over who gets to hold Isabelle, I grab his neck pulling him to the pier. "What did you do" I push him against one of the support beams, by his neck, "I swear, it just happens, it's a wolf thing" he chokes. "What's a wolf thing" I growl, threatening to crush his neck in between my hand. "He imprinted on her" Gilinsky laughs, stands next to me, I let go of Taylor, I threaten to hit him, but do a full 360 and hit Gilinksy.

I strut away as the two boys fall to the ground, Taylor trying to breathe, Gilinsky recovering from the hardest punch I've ever thrown. "Nika, are you okay" Shawn asks, Izzy is by the beach with Johnson, "I don't want Taylor anywhere near her" I instruct "you know I can't do that" Taylor runs up next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I grab his hand pulling him over my shoulder, "Cameron imprinted you" he coughed, "the universe wanted you two to be together, so did your wolves" he coughs again.

"Taylor say one more word to me, I'll kill you" I shout, "then she'll want to die" Gilinsky comes over, "a wolf can't live without their mate" Shawn finished. "She's not a wolf" they're all shocked, "she's human, I found her, and took her in, she was alone in the woods" I tell them. "How did Cam react" Carter says from behind, "not well" I turn around, "Nika" he hugged me, "I so badly wanted to hug you" he cries, I basically put sand on his expensive outfit. "We sure made a scene" I laugh, wiping the tears that escaped.

"I'm hungry" I put on the loose shirt from earlier, the boys follow me into a beachside pizza shop. "So hungry" I groan, "we'll pay" they say in unison as I pulled open my purse,"okay" I put my stuff away. "So Nika, where have you been staying" Shawn asks, "I've been staying with a couple friends" my wolf replays the memories of Casper and I. They all look at me in suspense, she must've showed them, "friends" Carter scoffs and takes a sip of his drink.

"Uhh... Mendes" the cashier called, Shawm walked over and collected our food, we followed him out of the store. "This is the life" I say and take bite of the pizza, it's warmth and flavor completes my starvation.

Isabelle blows another raspberry, Taylor smiles at her, "I advise you to not look at her like that, unless you want to lose a limb" I take another bite. He stops staring and takes little glances at her, Gilinsky laughs, "dude she's too young" he jokes to Tay.

Taylor gives him a death glare and chuckles, Gilinsky's smile disappears, "what'd you see" Taylor gives him a sinister smile. Gilinsky rolls his eyes and walks away, then walks back for another slice. "Can I hold her" Tay asks Shawn, "my pizza" he turns around to show the pizza box. Gilinsky laughed, and he turned around to reveal little Izzy, blowing raspberries and trying to bite G's fingers that were wrapped around her.

"What time is it" I ask, "about five" I curse, "we got to now" Taylor lost his happy glow, "I'm taking her back home, for the night" Taylor gave me a glare. "I'm going to go now, order an uber, please" I ask, they all pull out their phones, "I got it" Taylor said, "thanks" I kiss his cheek, he tries to kiss Izzy but I pull her away.

"Goodnight Boys" I smile and hand Izzy to Carter, he volunteered to take me back to the hotel. I take out my shortcut and slip it on, I struggle to get it past my butt, but I succeed. "Shall we" I take another pizza, and walk down the sidewalk to the waiting car, I open the door for Carter, he crawls in, and I crawl in after him.

"Take us to this hotel" Carter gives the directions, "that's an adorable baby" the uber driver smiles at us, "she sure looks just like the both of you" my jaw drops, she thinks I've cheated on Carter with another man, but Carter isn't even my boyfriend. I chuckle, "she looks just like her father" I pat Carter's arm, and lean on it. I look out the front window and watch the traffic from the opposite road, and the bright lights. "I wish you could stay longer" Carter leans his head atop of mine, "I know, don't let them know I'm in England, they'll come searching" I bite my lip, "I really missed you guys, today was probably one of the most fun days I've had with y'all" I fall asleep.

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