Chapter 24

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Las Vegas, Magcon Tour

"Nika" I look around for where my name came from, the bright lights turned into the dim casino lights from the first night I was taken by Marcus. I saw Nash and Cameron run inside of the casino, heavily panting trying to think of where to run. My scent has wafered all over the casino, I heard grunts, I ran to the back door. "Hello" I turned and saw Marcus and the lady, and me fighting against Marcus' grip. Then she knocks me out cold, I go limp, "Nika" I hear Nash yell. I turn and see him ready to run for me, Marcus starts pulling my body out of the casino.

The woman growled in frustration and ran at Nash, I ran at her, sadly I went right through her. I turned and saw Cameron attack her, she tried to bite him, her blood red eyes hungered for his blood. Cameron held her down, Nash grabbed her head and they escorted her out through the back, following Marcus and I.

"Marcus" Cameron yelled as he teaches the outside, Marcus had just finished putting me inside a black SUV. "What do you want Cameron" he shut the door, I ran to the SUV to check on myself, I was soundly asleep on the creme leather seats, with a bruise forming. "Give me her back, and I'll give you yours" Nash brought out the woman clawing at Nash's hand that held onto her hair. She hissed at the burning sun, that was nearing her, she kicked her brown leather boots.

"Marcus" she screamed as the sun neared her exposed skin, she started to cry, "Marcus, please help me" she screamed once again. He but his lip, and clenched his fists, looking away from the woman. "Marcus" she screams, as he gets into the SUV, she screams, as the sun burns her life away.

I sit in the passenger side as he drives down the road looking in the mirrors to see the woman burst into flames. I saw as tears formed in the end of his eyes, he bit his lip, and stepped on the pedal, speeding down the alley. I left the vehicle before he reached the road, I looked back and saw that the two boys with clenched jaws watched Marcus leave with me. I walked slowly to them, Nash turned to Cameron, "are we just going to let her go" he had a cold stare on him. "What the hell Cam, she's your mate" he pushed the emotionless man, making him lose his balance but still able to stare at the empty alley.

"He didn't do anything to save you" Sam touched my shoulder, making me twitch. "He... He was in shock" I try to defend my mate, "that Marcus let his mate die, to save you" Sam said with no emotion. "Nika, look at him" I changed my focus from Sam to Cameron, who shook off what had happened and ran back inside. "What about Nash" I ask, "he and the others cried for days, Cameron did nothing, Bart tried due to Mahogany's request."

He stood in front of me, looking straight into my eyes, "now you know" the light grew dull, then back to the elevator.

I looked at Sam, he bit his lip and left the elevator, I followed behind, "that's not real" he shakes his head with a chuckle. "It's real, alright" he turns to me, "you're making me see things, that you want me to see."

"I showed you what I wanted you to see, that day Marcus took you, I was there" he yelled as we entered a room. "Why didn't you save me" I ask, "because, then, you weren't my problem, now I have to protect you from being taken by Mage."

"They're coming for you, Nika, all of them, Carter told them of seeing you" I remembered the scene from earlier. "Does that mean a war" I whisper, "maybe if the pack's strong enough to take on the three of the strongest pack members, including Tyler's pack" he said, "Dan, Phil, and Louise" he nods his head.

"There's more people apart of the packs, that you don't know, neither do the leaders, they have special strengths, I showed you mine" I remembered everyone else that I met, they all had little powers that no one could find out about.

"Nika, this war is over you" his words set me back to reality, "what if Mage isn't strong enough" I ask, "then they'll die" he stared at me. "You have a power also, a curse maybe" he makes a weird gesture with his hand.

"A curse?"

"Has anyone fell in love with you" I didn't let him finish, before I growled, "by just looking into your eyes" all the flashbacks of Cameron falling so hard, Bart wanting me to become his mate. I nodded, "no wonder he fell in love so fast" then my flashbacks changes to the airport with Bree and Brennen. Their lives ended because of me, but I blamed Bart, who was cluelessly in love with me. "People died because of you" Sam hiccuped, "who died" before I could speak. "Just a woman and child" I say, "just, a woman, and child" he screamed the last part, making Connor run into the room.

"Sam, I'm taking her back now" I looked straight into Connor's eyes, "Nika, it don't work on the people who know of your gift" Sam said and shut the door, as Connor and I left the room. "You knew" I ask, "take me back to Dan" I stomp to the elevator, "I know a lot more than you think, we all do" he said as I left the elevator.

"Wait, you know about Tatianna" I turn around to the doors close, he nods as it successfully locks and escalates.

I start hitting the door, hoping for it to open, "Nika" I turn and see Izzy, "oh hey Izz, why aren't you in bed" her eyes turned wide and giggled. "You silly girl" I smile, then my waist is grabbed, I scream, scaring little Izzy. "Nika, Nika" my name is calmly repeated as I kick the person in their area, they curse and let me go.

I turn around, and see Dan's friend Joey Graceffa and his friend, Lizzie, otherwise known as Ldshadowlady. "Sorry" Lizzie starts laughing her head off, "Jeez girl, like calm down" he stands up straight. "Nika" Dan runs out of the room, running to me, pulling me into a hug, I don't hug back.

"I want to go home"

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