Chapter 8

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"Mahogany?" I question the red curly head sitting next to me, we were both panting hard. We'd at least run 15 miles out of the town where the rest of the pack resides, although we were distanced far enough from the territory border. "Nika" she responds to me, "Mahogany I believe we have to leave, forever" I look back at her. "But we can't, it's against pack law" she whispered, I sniffed the air, then it hit me.

"Nika?" She looks at me, her face pale as snow, I turn and see a wolf behind me, Taylor "hey Tay" I swallow my tears. Jack came in between us, dividing me and Mahogany apart, "Johnson, why?" I look into his eyes of sorrow. Nash came and put rope cuffs on me, "kinky" I grin, he hides his smile. I look down as I see Mahogany being pushed around, at one point one of the elder wolves had to slap her, knocking her frail body to the ground. "Lox" I cry, trying to turn around to her, wanting to give my help, but the rope was laced with wolfsbane, each turn stung my wrists.

The rope was also attached to a longer rope, putting me on a leash like torture device, "God I feel like a dog" I laugh to myself. We had to walk all the way back to town, Mahogany had the luxurious trip in a car, sadly that meant she'd be punished first. "I was still on pack territory" I tug on the rope, "you escaped, and killed a guard" Nash retorted, "so I'm really in a prison" I snarl.

"Know what, it's for your protection" he snaps, and starts walking faster, "please slow down, my small legs are already working overtime."

"Shouldn't have run away" he keeps walking fast, "fine" I drop to the ground, sitting with my legs crossed. He stopped, and started pulling me after him, "what the hell are you doing" he turned to me, tugging on the rope. "Protesting" I remarked, "let's go princess" I was lifted off the ground, and held on someone's shoulder. My face toward their back, "nice ass" I laugh, "you took the words right out of my mouth" he laughs.

"Ready Nash" he calls to to the boy in front of him, "is she" Nash laughs, I felt the rope tug I yelp. Then the shoulder starts moving, I look at the floor, the ground is moving fast, "no, no, no" I stammer, and start to scream. "We're taking a shortcut" the man tells me, I feel the incline in his steps.

We soon start to decline, which makes me want to die, how the hell am I supposed to know if I might die or not, "please stop, I'm scared" I cried. He calls Nash, who comes to a halt, and runs back to us, I'm put down on the ground. I look around, and we were currently on a cliff on a mountain with a perfect view.

"Wow" I look around, "Nika don't move" Nash called to me, I looked down at the cliff and I was close to the edge. "Nash" I call, and try to move, the rope is coiled around my body, they start to approach me slowly. I look at the rock, that starts to crumble from the weight of the two boys. "Nash" I scream, it echoes throughout the mountain, the ground underneath me starts to break.

I felt my hair fly up, and me twirling in the air, rocks fall around me. The rope around my wrists start to burn, I curse and scream loudly. I start to dangle from the cliff, not being able to reach the floor. "Nash pull me up now" I fight the urge to scream, because of the uncomfortable pose of my arms above me and the wolfsbane that burns through my skin.

I look down at the ground, covered in green the flowers in the meadow, I try to calm myself, but it makes me feel more like a tortured prisoner. "Nika are you alright" Nash asks, "yeah I'm fine, just enjoying his very comfortable view of the mountain" I sarcastically say to him. "Alright then" he stops talking, and I felt like I was being lifted more into the air, "please don't drop me" I beg. I felt a halt, and I fell back down a few ways but not to where I was earlier.

After almost certain death falls, I climb atop of the cliff, or what's left of it, I couldn't help but cry when I saw Nash. "Take me home" I crashed into his body, I was clinging onto him, my arms wrapped around his neck, as my body seemed to break down. "Don't leave me again" I cry into his chest, he hugs me "I won't" he pulls out a knife and cuts off the rope cuffs. "Let's forget this happened" he looks towards the man, that has brown eyes, "I'm Will, Hayes and Nash's older brother" he bows his head. "Hi Will, I'm Danika, call me Nika" I sniffle and fold my arms, letting the cold air blow through my dark brown hair.

"I've got to go, I'm too far from home" Will nods, "you're lucky it was me" Nash says to him, "I know it was you" he starts running back to the woods. "Why is he leaving" I ask Nash, "he's in our territory" he looks down, "why aren't you going back" I ask. "Because my mate, just happened to be on this side of the continent" he looks down, and fluffs his hair. "Let's race home" he changes the subject and starts running, "you cheater" I run after him, down the mountain.

Running down the mountain is a nice exercise, you could hear all of the animals, there is also a stream near us. Surprisingly I kept up with Nash, he's supposedly the fastest runner.

We shout as we near the pack house, "Nash" I stop, and start breathing heavily, "Nika" he turns and runs back to me, I saw my vision blur. He catches me when I near the ground, my vision turned black.

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