Chapter 28

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I wake up to Izzy's nonstop raspberries, I look around the bed, she's no where near me, I sit straight up, my hair in all directions. The bright light hits me, I groan and hide under the bedsheets.

"Nika" I hear someone call me, I peek out and it's Dan, "come on" he pulls the blanket off, I still smell of sea water, "you have to get ready, we're heading back to the UK, in a few hours" he yawns and leaves the room.

I call out for Izzy, she blows her raspberries and starts throwing things at the balcony door, I walk over to her. "Come on little Izz" I pick her up, and walk out the balcony door, she shrieks as she sees how high off the ground we are. I immediately bring her back inside and lock the balcony door, she crawls away.

"I think it's time for you to take a bath" I talk her to the bathroom, I fill the bath as she crawls around the cold marble floor. I turn it onto warm, "Nika" Louise knocks on the door, I unlock the door, and start to undress Izzy. "Lou" Izzy points to the entering Louise, who has day old makeup and in comfortable clothes. "You look fabulous" I laugh, she groans, "I'm so tired, but I can't wait to be back home, and sleep" she smiles.

"Let me do that for you" she walks to me, leaning down and starting to wash Isabelle. "I could do it" she smiles as she rinses out Izzy's hair, "I miss having a small child" Isabelle splashes the water, on us. "Oh god Izzy" I use a used towel from the floor to soak up the access water. "Nika, she's a child, she's just having fun and still learning" she started washing Izzy's body.

"I'll go clean up, our things" I smile at Louise and leave the bathroom, my feet warming up from the cold marble. Nika are you alright, I heard Carter, "I'll be fine" I sat on the bed, pulling my knees to my chest, and rolling over. I closed my eyes, trying to break the connection, then happy memories of me and the Magcon boys, started to play.

It started with me and Nash fighting at the pack house, when we argued about who was the strongest and I won. Mahogany jumping into my bed, and when I fell off the bed. When Taylor was speaking to the closet, the one I was hiding in. Also, the first mall trip I took with Mahogany and everyone else, meeting Shawn for the first time. Then it shifted to when Shawn and I got stuck in the elevator, and I was singing. The lyrics floated around in the background, then my vision changed to Bart, when I was happy for the gifts he bought. Then finally Cameron's smile appears, the first memory I have of him.

He sits next to me, I slide away, he follows my gesture to the end of the cell wall, the way my laugh made him smile. Shawn's voice could still be heard, then a memory I've never remembered, Cameron pushing pass a crowd to pick me up, when I fell, then it changed to him laying beside me. The vision changes to when I was saved my Nash, when I was so close to death, it showed Cameron, looking around and trying to stay calm.

"He's always loved you" my vision of the present, changed to the past, Cameron had long hair. He was peeking  through a window at a dark haired baby, being annoying to her young mother. Then it changed to when the girl was older, she ran around the house her hair up to her waist, pulling her mother to the fireplace, to open presents. Then finally when the girl was a teenager, kissing her mother goodbye, while she was off.

The last memory of her is when she changed into a wolf for the first time, this time Cameron was a wolf.

"He loved me" I whisper, slowly opening my eyes, "who did" I look at her, "I betrayed him, Louise I have to go back, my... My... My mate"  her jaw dropped. "Marcus took you from your mate" her face grew red with anger, "I swear to god, Marcus doesn't want any one happy, except himself, knowing he's immortal with you, alive" she finished.

"We must leave at once, Nika" Sam bursted through the doors, out of breath, "Nika, they're here" I stand up. "Rogues they've invaded the building, we've got to get you both out of here" meaning Izzy and I, "why are they here" Louise asked. "Immortality, in Izzy" I looked towards Louise, "but Izzy isn't a wolf" I told him, "yeah but she's an immortal human, no special powers" he but his lip, "she's no longer human" I gasp.

"She has to live off blood" I start to hyperventilate, he shook his head, "she's going to grow up wolf" I looked at him. "What do you mean she'll grow up wolf, is it because of an imprint" I growled, he looked astonished, "that fucker" he growls, stomping his foot. "You know who imprinted on her, the both of you" Louise asked, I nodded "I was there, almost killed him" I squinted.

"Let's go already" Dan rushed in, taking our bags, "goodbye Sam" I hug him, he pushes me away, "don't say goodbye, I'll- I'll see you" he hugs me and kisses Izzy's forehead, "Pottwoof" she cries to go with him. He picks her up, she laughs, he hoops her nose, "I'll see you Princess" he puts her down and leaves the room, Izzy starts to cry. "Come on now" Louise wipes her tears and takes Izzy's bag, I pick up Izzy and leave the room.

I take a deep breath of air, "Nika" my names wafted in the air, I turned around to see a dark mist of air try to trap me.

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