Chapter 26

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"Hey Dan" I awkwardly chuckle as the door swings open, "what the hell, Danika" he pulls me inside, Isabelle on my hip. "So... I'm sorry for sneaking out... With Izzy" I sweetly smile, "don't worry, I'm not mad, I was just twerked on" I laugh, "who, is there a video" he gives me a glare, "maybe in a few more days."

"So how was your visit back home" I held my breath, "I actually didn't like it, I think I'm better off with y'all, especially for Izzy" I look at the child who bounces to be put on the floor. I put her on her belly, she blows a raspberry and starts moving her arms around, gently swinging back and forth.

"Dan, could you tell me about Tatianna" I beg, he sighs and rolls his eyes, "as you know Tatianna was Phil's mate" I nod, "well I fell in love with her, more like she fell for me" he smirks. "Tatianna was engaged to Phil, then before the wedding, it was announced that she was pregnant" he bit his lip, "back then, there was no instruments to tell who was the father, must I remind you, I'm very old, but have an immortality spell" he chuckles. "We all do, the British pack, has been alive for quite some time, sadly when these wolves left for America, they couldn't take the spell with them, so they died, the witch who cast the spell was slowly dying. So she agreed to put the spell of immortality on Tatianna's child, making them both immortal, well the child took some time to age" he silenced.

"She ran away with the child, because she wanted the immortality to herself, and because I stopped seeing her" I chuckle, "Tatianna, ended up having a daughter, with my name as her first and Phil's last name. That's why I was so happy, knowing your name is Danika" I silenced, "You look just like her" he chuckles. "Tatianna ran away, last I've heard of her, she was passing through North America, Mage found her, one of them made the child their mate" he rolled his eyes.

"I would've killed him, but I didn't know which one so I left it" he looked down at the floor, "I've always wanted to meet the little wolf, teach her our ways, instead she learned the wrong ones from a rogue mother." I remembered my mother telling me packs are not great to join, "my mom actually died from another pack, I ran from her death sight, I wasn't actually home, I was just there to see her limp body."

"So pale" I remembered the uber driver be dead, but still had the willpower to attack me, "our driver looked just like her, skin and dead."

"Well nice talk, Nika" Dan pat my back, "what if I were Tatianna's daughter" he smiles, "I'd be delighted to be your father."

"Dan I'm sorry for pissing you off earlier, can I go see Connor and his friends," I smile sweetly, "take Isabelle with you, and here are the keys." He hands me a room key, and leaves to go back with Phil, "let's go Izzy" I search around the room for her, "Izz" I walk around, I hear her giggle from under the desk.

"Hello Izz" I pick her up and swirl around, my wolf chuckles, Nika I hear Carter's voice, I turn around quickly. "Carter" Nika I hear Shawn's voice, "Mage" I yell, and I feel comfort, Nika go to the beach, I heard one of the boys yell. I text Dan, Beach Day with Izzy he responded, ok I start packing a beach bag.

I pack a bag filled with snacks, a bottle and water, I pull out my card that has a quarter of Dan and Phil's earnings on it. "I need some towels" I pick up Izzy and the bag, "shall we Ms, what is your last name" I question myself. "Isabelle Lester, Isabelle Howell, Isabelle Dallas, Isabelle Lee" I bit my lip from saying anything else, "Isabelle Sugg" I laugh.

"Well Ms. Izzy, shall we starts heading to the beach" I walk out of the room, making sure it closes behind me. "Nika, Pottowoof" she said, I looked up, and Sam was standing in front of me. "Need help" I hesitate, "could you order an uber and help me take down this bag" he smiles and picks up the bag, then Isabelle. "I can carry her" I try to tell him, "I've got her" he walks away to the elevator.

I walk after them, "here you go" he hands me Isabelle, "what do you need an uber for, anyway." He pulls out his phone, and opens the app, "I'm going to the beach, well we're going" I motion to Isabelle. "Be careful, let's see your phone," he digs in the bag pulling out my phone. He starts typing, "what're you doing" I ask as he types the remaining typings, "call me if anything happens, and when you arrive and when you're leaving" he hands me back my phone, showing a conversation between himself.

I see the contact name, Sam Pott, I nod, "we'll be okay" he glared, "should I go" he walks to a black car that pulls up in front of the hotel. "Sam Pottorff" the paparazzi yelled, as we left the building, "is that your child" a woman stuck a microphone in front of his face. "Miss, who's child is that" I lower my head.

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