Chapter 11

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"Danika, time to wake up" Bree bursts into the bedroom, "leave me to die" I mumbled, I haven't left Cameron's room, since Bree gave me a tour. "Well today, you are expected at the Los Angeles Airport in a few hours" she was wearing a white baseball tee, with black trimmings, black leggings and white converse, her hair put into a messy bun. "Open the curtains" I command, "what's there to see, it's dark" she opens them and  reveals darkness with twinkles of light and shadows of tall  evergreen trees.

"Let's go" she throws a pile of clothes on the foot of my bed, I hurriedly grab them and run for the bathroom, I was wide awake. Mate my wolf purred, she was finally happy, ever since I've fallen asleep in Cameron's room, she's been too depressed, which took effect on me.  I take out the clothes, a white v-neck, black skinny jeans, dark gray woolen boots, and a gray jacket. I walk out of the room, with a hair tie around my wrist, for my hair, that was surprisingly still brushed out. Bree was running around the room with a black leather bag, packing most of my things in it, including snacks and drinks.

"Let's go, I've left Brennen in the car" she runs out of the house, I slowly walk after her, then I turn off all the lights, my phone vibrates in my jacket pocket. I lock the door, and run to Bree's car, but we have a driver and guard, they're dressed in black suits, with sunglasses in the pocket. I sit in the black suv, with a snoring Brennen by my side, leaning his head on me. The drive was slightly boring because we couldn't listen to music, and I wasn't allowed on my phone. I looked out the window, watching the scenery change as the sun rose, it was quite a beautiful scene, sadly I couldn't take a photo.

The wilderness scenery changes into a city, city buildings replace the tall green trees, I started to feel uneasy. "We're almost there" the driver mumbled, Bree started to try and wake up Brennen, I gathered my things, the backpack, basically. We pulled into a parking lot, the guards got out first, then signaled it's safe, they grab our bags and quickly hurry us inside, I have my hood on, Brennen is covered with a blanket, Bree also has a hood on. The guard hands us our tickets, we grab them and walk to our boarding area, Bree panics, I try to calm her.

"Nika" she looks into my eyes, I get lost in her bright blue eyes, she leans in, I lean after her, our lips crash into each other's, Brennen in between. I pull away "I'm so sorry" I turn away, my cheeks turning red and heating up the rest of my face. "Well we better start going" I walk away to the plane, my bag dragging behind me, Bree was probably having trouble, but at the moment m, I didn't want anything to do with her. I board the plane, I sit in a seat nearest the window, looking out, Brennen and Bree soon joined me.

None of us spoke the entire flight, I had earphones in listening to music, my favorite was Lipgloss, it's so catchy.

I text Cameron, telling him we landed, I walk off the plane not even worried about Bree and Brennen once again. I run through out the entire airport, I didn't choose too, but my wolf insisted. I ran down and empty escalator, I looked around for Cameron, that's when I stated to panic. I look around, going in circles, my breathing getting heavier, I felt like I wanted to scream and cry. "Nika" Mahogany screamed, I turned and ran to her, I jumped and wrapped my legs around her, she pulled me closer into a tight hug, I felt a few tears escape.

Mahogany starts staggering because of my weight that finally hit her, gravity caught up with me. "What about me" I look up from Mahogany's shoulder, Cameron stands there, with his arms wide open, with a bouquet of flowers. I smile at him and unwrap my legs, still clinging onto Mahogany, she held onto me tight. I finally released myself from the hug and hugged Cameron, which was less dramatic than Mahogany's hug. He handed me the flowers, it's a colorful bouquet filled with daisies. I turned around, there was Bree who rolled her eyes, and walked passed us like we were peasants.

Cameron wrapped one of his arms around me, and walked to the entrance with Mahogany carrying my bag. Cameron removed his arm, allowing me to walk behind him, with Mahogany, rude I rolled my eyes. "Cameron, Oh my god Mahogany" a girl shrieked, I turned around and saw a hoard of girls runoff direction. As my instinct, I ran from Mahogany, mate's safety my wolf told me, I turned and ran straight into Cameron. I felt someone pull me back, I clung to Cameron, finally they used their strength, they pulled me off, I was on the floor, being pulled away.

"What the hell, Nika" Bree stands in front of me, "I wanted to be protected" I pull my legs to my chest. "I'll protect you" she squats, she crawls to the bathroom door, locking it, "what're you doing, Bree" I look up at her. "Shh" she leans in, again with force, I was forced to kiss her, she tried to gain entrance to my mouth, I denied. She put my knees down, her legs on the outer side of mine, she pulls away, untying her hair, and shaking it, "don't fight it" she leans in again. I lean in, she starts her session again, but her hand on my breast, accidentally kissing is one thing, having a make out session is another, especially when her hand is on my boob, we went quickly to second base, perhaps third.

I pull my hand to her face, touching her cheek, I clench my fist and punch her in the jaw, she falls beside me, I get off the floor and run out. "Cameron" I call, "Nika" he calls back, I run to his voice, there were lots of people. I start turning in circles, my breathing getting heavy, "Nika" I turn around, Cameron pulls me close to him, and we run out of the airport.

"I'm scared Cameron, I wanna leave" I say to him as he waves down a black suv, we pile into the back, "Mahogany" I turn back, "what" she replies in the front seat. "What about Bree and Brennen" I question, "they weren't meant for this trip, Bart sent some guys for them" Cameron said looking out the window, "he's going to kill his wife and kid" I say out loud. I try to open the door, "child lock" the driver says, "he's going to kill an innocent child" I cry, "we have to let it go, Bart will explain everything when we arrive at the hotel" Mahogany's voice breaks.

I stare out the window, Cameron tries to pull me into a side hug, I pull away, wanting to be alone. We come to a sudden halt, when the buildings change into parked vehicles, the driver opens the door, for my exit. Cameron has to come around and pick me up bridal style. He carries me into the hotel, Mahogany slowly walks behind us, the bag hitting against her leg. I hear a bing sound and we entered an elevator, Mahogany presses a button and we fly all the way to the top.

Cameron carries me to a room, "want me to tell you the rooms" he asks as he puts me on a bed, there's in extra bed. "That's Mahogany's bed" I look towards him, "we all share a room, Jack and Jack share a room, Taylor and Nash share, and finally Carter and Matt, Shawn and Aaron, Bart has a room to himself" he tells me, "I bet he was supposed to share with me or Bree and Brennen."

"I'll be back" Cameron leaves me alone in the room, with my thoughts about how the could've murdered the two in public and how they got rid of it. "Nika" I look up to see Nash, "Hamilton" I hug him, "he's killing innocent souls" he sighs, "Nika, we all saw what she did, somehow you linked with the pack and we saw you and her" his blue eyes looked into mines. "She's a type of witch to..." he started to stutter, "type of witch to do what" I looked down, "the type to do bad things to get what they want" he finishes. "I got to go" he runs out of the room, I follow him, tip toeing to the door.

"Cameron, can I talk to you" I watch as Nash pulls Cameron into another room, he then locks it. "Nika, you're up early" I turn around to see Matt, "hey Matt" I can't sleep, on my own. His eyes stared into mine, "want me to join you" he flirts, "Matt, what the hell" I look away from his stare, "I am so sorry, Nika" his face flusters and he goes back to his room. "Matt" I call after him, "Nika, can I talk to you" Bart says to me from behind. "Sure" I choke, as long as you don't seduce me, then kill me afterward" he rolls his eyes, and leads me to a room, away from the others.

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