Sexy Time

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Hey, guys, sorry, I'm WAY late on EVERYTHING. I haven't been on in a long time and I'm sorry. I've been VERY busy. I will try to be on more, though, I promise.

So, let's get into it. (Muahahahahahaha.....)

[Jack's POV]

I'm scrolling along Facebook when I get a message from Mark.

Sorry, Jack, can't visit you this week like I'd promised. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you somehow.

Suddenly, I want to cry. I bury my face in my hands for a moment, giving myself time to breathe. I think about all the fun times Mark and I have had and how excited I was for his coming to Ireland.

I lift my face to another message from him.

I hope you won't be mad, Jack. I love you.

I faintly smile at the thing Mark adds to the end of all his sincerest messages. It makes me want to cry again.

Before I have another moment to think about it, a pop-up appears in front of my face. That's weird. I thought I had my ad blocker and my pop-up blocker on. I check again. Yep, it's still activated. So what is this?

I take a closer look. It reads: You want a good time? You miss a lover who can't make it to see you? Not a problem! Just follow these simple instructions and all of your worries will be gone! Below the text is three lines of instructions.

First, get a bowl and fill it with water. Then, pull out a hair of the person whom you want to give a good time. Put it in the bowl. Let it sit on the surface for a couple of minutes, it says, for it to soak up the DNA. What? What are these instructions?!

Realizing a line that reads, Once you begin the process, you cannot go back. If you have already begun mixing the ingredients, you MUST keep going. I sigh and continue.

I must prick my finger and put a drop of my blood in the bowl. I stand up and rush to the bathroom. I snatch a safety pin and return to my bedroom. I prick my finger and drop the crimson red liquid into the bowl. It starts to settle toward the bottom. No more time to waste, I guess.

Finally, I have to cry. Cry? Let me read that again........

Yep, it says I have to cry into the bowl. I decide not to question this and just do as it says. But how am I supposed to cry? I'm not really sad about anything except......

Mark.....I miss you. I just wish something would work out to where we could see each other. I want you to hold me in your arms. I want you to kiss me. I want you to cuddle me in bed and never let me go.

Before I know it, something splashes into the bowl. It looks like I've completed the instructions.

Now what?

I wait for a few minutes and nothing happens.

I reread the directions and - Oh, wait. I forgot a last step. It says to say the name of your lover, um....sexily? That's what it says. I guess I've got nothing to lose now.

"Mark," I growl, imagining him beside me, nipping at my neck, sucking on it in some places.

I open my eyes. Still nothing.

"Damn it," I sigh, "It didn't work."

A voice speaks up behind me, "But, Jack, I'm here."

I almost jump out of my skin at the sound. I spin around and study the person behind me.

Weird....He looks like Mark.....He smells like Mark.....He acts like Ma - Well, not really. Mark could never be this bold. I mean, I hope he can be, but I doubt it.

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