Two Souls, One Heart

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Ever since I was younger, I'd get random pains here and there, for no reason. My mom had always said it was growing pains. "It proves your growing to be a young woman," she would say.

It wasn't until I had moved to my grandma's home country of Ireland that  found out the truth.

"Ugh, there," I grunted as I placed the last box at the top of its pile in my new apartment, "That's the last one. Now to unpack everything and - "

Suddenly, a knock on my new door interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, who could that be?" I muttered. 

I sauntered to the door and slowly opened it. Before me stood a tall Irishman with a tweed cap atop his green haired head. This man was peculiar, not only for his strangely colored hair. But, honestly, it was nice to see such a change.

"Heller, lass," he took of his hat for a slip second, "My name's Jack. Heard I got a new neighbor and rushed right ov'r."

"Ah," I simply smiled, "Well, I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you, Y/N."

We stood there, staring at each other awkwardly. His eyes were quite a natural blue, like the ocean, while mine were blue-grey like the sky in the early morning.

"Miss Y/N?"

"Oh, um, yes?" I snapped back to reality.

"May I come in?" He asked, eyeing the inside of my apartment from a distance.

"Oh crud, where are my manners?" I gestured him past me and he gladly took the offer. He sat on my couch and gazed at all the boxes, "You need help with these?"

"No," I shake my head, "I couldn't have you do that."

He stood up again, "Nonsense. It's only proper for me to help a young lady like yerself with these here boxes."

I blushed, "Okay, well, let me help too, okay?"

He nodded, "Just tell me where you want them."


Jack takes the last thing out of its box and hangs it on the wall behind the couch. It's a framed picture of me in the hospital. It was from when I was seven and I had a pain in my stomach so bad that Mom took me to the hospital. They couldn't find anything wrong, though.

Jack stares at this picture intently. I wonder why.

"Jack?" I touch his shoulder and he turns toward me with a confused look in his blue eyes.

"What?" I ask, knowing he wants to say something.

"This...this....." he gestures to the framed picture, "This strange."

"What are you talking about?"

As an answer, he holds up a finger and runs out of my apartment. I follow him out into the hall and see him run into his apartment across the hall and return with a framed picture similar to mine. Like, crazy similar.

It's a picture of him in the hospital with cords and everything plugged into him, same as me, back then. His tweed cap sits on the table in the corner of the picture.

"This is me when I was seven years old," he says as I gasp. Could it be....?

"How...?" I simply gape at him.

"Could it be that," he takes a breathe to calm down, "that we've been getting the same pains since we were born?"

That gives me an idea.

"When were you born? Time and date."

He blinks for a moment before replying, "February 7, 1990 at *some time at morning or night bc I don't actually know sry*."

I gasp again, almost running out of breath, "How is that possible?"

"What do you mean, me being born?"

"No," I shake my head again and rephrase, "We were born at exactly the same time and date."

We stare at each other for another few seconds before Jack simply whispers, "....really...?"

I nod.

Cliff hanger bc I ran out of ideas. I might make a part two if you guys want it.

Til next time, see ya!


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