White Lips, Pale Face

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I open the door.

There she is. She's covered in snow; it's sprinkled throughout her gorgeous brown locks of hair. It makes her look like a princess. It makes her look more majestic than any queen ever to rise to any throne.

Then I notice that she's shivering. Even in my tee shirt, I know I'm warmer than she is. I wrap her in a hug. She gladfully accepts my hug and wraps her own spindly arms around my chest.

"I missed you," she whispers amongst the brisk air.

I sigh, "I did, too."

After a few more moments of freezing our asses off in the softly falling snow, I bring her inside for a hot cup of hotta chocolatta. I let her take a seat at my table, which still has its same broken leg on one side, making it wobble the tiniest bit.

She lays her hands, curled together, on the table. It wobbles and my centerpiece, a plush Septic Sam that someone made me, goes rolling off the edge and straight onto the floor. As the hot chocolate finishes warming up, I pick Sam up and replace it on the table.

"So, um...." She finds her voice nearly frozen fro the cold, "How have you been?"

I silently wonder why she's acting like we just met. I've known her for years, she wouldn't act like this unless...

Unless something's wrong.

I straddle a chair as I face her, trying to be as serious as I can, "Is something bothering you?"

She gives me a befroggled look, like she wasn't expecting me to ask about it, "W-What do you mean?" Her eyes give away her true feelings. The blue in them begin to lighten, as tears fill their cores. They slowly resemble tiny frozen teardrops as some part of her shrivels back to how she used to be when I met her. Back then, she used to cry a lot and she was really alone. When I'd started talking to her, she told me that I was the first person that she's talked to in a long time. So basically, I was her first friend and last friend for almost an eternity. I didn't want her to become that lonely girl who sat in the back of the class ever again. I wanted her to be the happy girl that I knew her to be, not the one crying in front of me.

I reached forward to grab her hand, but she pulled it away. This frightened me. What had I missed? What had happened that could be this bad?

I opened my mouth to speak, but my words were interrupted by the teapot's sudden scream, telling me that the water was ready. I got to my feet, but left my eyes on her face, which held a variety of assorted emotions. I saw sadness, anger, grief, confusion..... Must I go on?

I poured the water into both of our mugs. I watched the water fill to the brim and the swirl like a small puddle of water would on a windy day.

When I turned back to the table.....

She was gone.

I searched the floor, for source of her slushy shoe prints. I spotted them, each spot of watery mass, and followed them to the front door.

Which hung completely open.

I snatched my jacket off the coat hanger and ran off after the footprints that were almost filled, as it was still snowing. I sprinted off after the trail and the snow and the wind and the temperature and everything, it seemed, was against me.

That's when I spotted  her faint form a few feet away, laid on top of the snow, and I ran to her with all of my strength.

I picked her up by her elbow. She felt as cold as ice. No, colder than ice.

I removed my coat and put it around her. I lifted her small, freezing form up in my arms and carried her back to my house.

I laid her on the couch and waited for her to wake up. I'd pulled one of my kitchen chairs up next to it and watched her skin's color return to normal.

Just before it went even paler than before.

I prayed to whoever was above us to let her live. She didn't deserve this. She deserved to live. She was the only person who made me happy in the bad times. When I had gotten sick after I came back from a convention, she'd come straight over and nursed me back to wellness. When Mark has told me he hated me because of some stupid argument we had, she came over and told me that it would be okay. Every time I needed her, she never failed to make me feel better.

She was my snowflake.

I waited endlessly for her to awaken.

She never did.

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