Spark of Insanity

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Yeah, so this was a random idea.
Here ya go.

[Jack's POV]
"Y/N!" I call up the stairs to where she's prolly still sleeping in our bedroom.

I get no reply.

"Y/N!" I call again, this time receiving a loud grumble.

"I'm going out!" I tell her and she mumbles a reply.

"What?" I ask her to clarify.

"Okay!!" I hear her practically scream.

"Sheesh," I sigh.

I grab my jacket and head out the door.

[Anti's POV]
Hmm? What is this I see? A sleeping human? In....Jack's bed?

Heh, this should be fun.

[Y/N's POV]
I open my eyes......only it's not me doing it.

I get out of bed, involuntarily. I swing my legs over and get to my feet. I'm wobbly.

Hello, love, a voice says in my head.

Who are you, I demand back.

Touchy, touchy, my dear, it replies with an invisible smirk. I wish I could smack whoever the hell it is.

GET OUT OF MY BODY!! I exclaim in my head. I feel them rear back a bit and I regain control of my body for the slightest second, allowing myself the liberty of sitting on the edge of the bed.

My, my, you are a feisty one, it giggles in delight, this should be quite interesting.

What the hell are you talking about? I command them to tell me.

They don't answer me, but instead, they make my body go to my dresser and I (not me, though) dress in day clothes. I feel self conscious when whoever is in control of my body walks in front of the mirror, studying my naked body.

I see now why Sean likes you, it smiles inside of me.

I sneer, So what?

I feel them glance at me and finish getting me dressed.

Without me having even a single cell of control, I grab my black leather jacket and make my way to the mall.

What are we here for? I ask them.

We are going shopping, it replies.

Naww, really?

You know, you have quite the attitude, they remark.

Yeah? Well, you're gonna get a hell lot more of it, too.

They ignore me and pass several stores until we stop in front of Victoria's Secret.

Oh, god, why? Why Father Watermelone?

We end up buying two items: a slutty pair of undies and a see-through bra.

What are you planning? I snipe at them.

They simply glimmer back, I'm only doing what Sean would like you to do.

That's when I catch on.

No! Jack would know it's not me!

Would he? They seem to laugh inwardly and secretly, I know they're right.

Damn, guess I'm really going through with it.

Now time to go back home, they giggle, and prepare......

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