Dancing Shoes (Part One)

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When you're sad, dance. When you're mad, dance. When you're so stressed you can't see straight, just dance.

Just dance.

"Justice? Hello?"

I snapped back to reality. My best friend, Rochelle was still holding the french fry she was planning to eat five minutes ago. Her burger and fries were the same as when I think I started daydreaming.

"Are you okay?" She waved her floppy fry at me, "You seem a bit distracted lately."

Finally, she inserted the french fry into her mouth and chomped. It turned into mush and.... nevermind.

"Yeah," I answer, as quiet as I usually do, "It's just with this upcoming performance and...." I let my sentence hang before it topples over the edge.

She raises an eyebrow but simply smiles.

"That's okay," she sits forward, "I know how hard you work with your dancing."

She gets up and picks up the boxes from her burger and her fries. She gives me a confident look, "You gonna be okay?"

I nod, "Yeah, I was just about to head to the dance studio." I get to my feet and pick up my lonely salad container. I didn't even finish it.

"Okay, well, if you need anything," Rochelle gazes at me with pride, "All you have to do is call."

"I know."

"Okay." She hugs me and, amongst the sun's last goodbye, she leaves for her apartment on the other side of town. I watch her shadow fade into the distance before I go my own way.

I reach the dance studio too easily. I get in with the key the owner gave me. She let me have it because she knew how much that my dancing meant to me. I still can't thank her enough.

I insert my favorite dance music into the player and instantly start it up. I count the beats as I place my bandanna over my eyes.

Okay, let me explain.

See, I've always had this scary fear of people watching me while I practice. I thought it'd be easier to cover my eyes, so I didn't have to worry about it. Now, whenever I dance, I can''t go without it. If I do, I''ll likely have an anxiety attack.

My vision is nothing but a dark room where no light may ever reach the edges.

With one swift leap, I'm off.

I spin and leap and swirl and kick and jump until the end of the song when I'm a sweaty mess and I can barely catch my breath.

I remove my bandanna and smile as I continue my calm knowing that no one was watching me and that I'll be fine in this next performance.

I carefully pluck the CD from the player and place it back in its case.

I lock up the doors and head home, in hope that this upcoming performance will be better than my last.

Soooo, that was it, but there will be more. True_Wishes_R_Dreams recommended this idea and I think it was an AWESOME idea, but I hope she doesn't mind that I changed a few things.

There will be other parts, so keep an eye out for that.

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