My Fluffy Marine

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Hey guys, new story here. Tell me if you like it! And I’ll continue, vote and comment maybe fan? Thanks! (Connor on the side.)


My Fluffy Marine

                I shifted in my place letting my heart beat a thousand times fast then normal person’s feet would, letting the smell of fast food and newly found bags fill my nose. I looked around at the closed gate waiting for it to open and a wave of people come by.

                “Waiting for somebody?” an old lady asked as she held a small red purse matching her red dress and black fluffy coat. “I’m waiting for my son to come back from the marines.” She smiled wide, clearly happy about her son coming back.

                “My brother,” I replied taking my head away from her at the sound of a loud beep. The doors opened and peoples in suits and normal clothes started to walk out, when suddenly my brother walked out laughing with somebody next to him, I ignored the other person and sprinted over to him. “Conner!” I screamed at him, he flicked his head over dropping his back right before I jumped landing perfectly in my brothers arms. “I missed you,” I whispered holding on tight.

                “I missed you too.” He stated the truth I already knew. I dropped down so he wouldn’t have to carry me but I quickly hugged him once more.

                “Mom is sick tonight and dad had to work late, since its Christmas season he is getting all the work he can.” He told him the reason my mother and father aren’t with us at the moment. “they are sorry they couldn’t come though.” I told him trying to make it sound better, knowing perfectly well, this was normal our parents wouldn’t attend stuff we wanted them to most.

                “It’s normal,” he stated trying to hide his frown, but he failed. He should know better not to hide things from him, I mean. I am his twin sister, I know everything about him and he knows everything about me. We also looked a lot the same, his dark brown hair was short like a army man, and mine was the same color but long and straight to the point. His bright blue eyes exactly like mine except for the small dark blue spot in his. His face perfectly rounded for a guy, mine perfectly rounded for a girl, he had muscles so did I. before he went to the marines I would help him work out, and over time I began to like it, I loved to run and I loved to punch the punching bag and box. Soon I would be leaving with my brother to the marines, but I would be a nurse. One of the first Marine wolf nurses.

                My brother and I were a part of a wolf pack, called the sliver backs. No we are not the alphas, but only cousins to the strong alphas. We live in an old town not known to many people, but the weather is nice in the summer, but cold as can be in the winter, snow every year.

                “Moms been sick for weeks Conner,” I whispered. “She won’t go to the doctor.”

                “Angel smile, she will get better before we all leave.” He said patting my back.  “Let’s go home, my friend is going to come over tomorrow after he goes to see his aunt, he is spending the holidays with us.” I nodded my head and he smiled grabbing his bag, I walked in front of him showing him the way to the car. The whole car ride home we talked about what it was like to be a marine dog, and I just couldn’t wait to go. We pulled forward into my drive way parking in my spot next to my mother’s car. I got out and walked forward to our big white door.

                “Mom, we are home!” I yelled as I opened the door taking a step inside the house. My mother slowly walked out from the kitchen, her once tan skin a boring gray that gave her the look of death, her eyes dark grey lifeless all around, and her once red lips a small tan color. Wrinkles all around here even at the age of 39, her blonde hair missing. My mother had lung cancer, and I knew it was getting to her but she continued to fight. “Hello mother, how are you feeling?” I asked her, she ignored me and went up to my brother hugging him as tight as she could.

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