MFM- Ch3

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*Important rant at end.*

Chapter Three:

                *Ring, ring, ring*

                “What?” I mumbled into the phone.

                “Hey, want to hang out today? I’m bored.” My best friend Sam asked.

                “Dude, it’s like 7 am, why aren’t you sleeping?” I asked glaring at the clock pushing the covers to the side.

                “My little brother had a friend over and they came and woke me up, not my fault. Get up loser I’m coming over.” She said as she hung up. I growled a small growl and fell back onto my bed.

                “Dude!” I opened my eyes to see my small best friend, her arms crossed and her dark gray eyes glaring at me, her hair platinum blonde short like a pixie. Her clothes all from Hollister and her makeup from some rich place, my best friend was a model, and rich as could be. “Wake up, get clean and crap. I’ll be down stairs eating. Better hurry up or I’ll flirt with your brother.” She growled at me. With the she left the room to go eat all my food. She ate everything in the house if you gave her the time to. And she had a small crush on my brother, but she knew it wouldn’t work out, knowing he wasn’t her mate and she wasn’t his. They still flirted all the time, sometimes went on dates, but never farther than that, she didn’t want to get attached and he understood. Sam was a wolf along with us, but she hadn’t changed yet. Her family was known to be late changers, but she still believed Connor wasn’t her mate. But neither completely knew dew to her not changed yet.

                I growled under my breath and got up to get dressed. I first got up and jumped in the shower and when I was done I got up and slipped some jeans on that hugged my butt but made my legs look good, I then slipped on a long sleeve v-neck black top. I blow dried my dark brown hair and let it wave just a little, I put some cover up on and some mascara and then I was done. Looking myself over I grabbed some socks and then slipped some black vans on. I grabbed my phone slipping it in my pocket and ran down stairs.

                Sam sat twisting her short hair in her finger flirting with none other than my brother.

                “Shoot,” I mumbled to myself. “To late.”

                “For what?” I jumped and turned around face to face with Mathew. “Sorry.” He laughed walking over to the fridge.

                “There flirting, her and I were going to go shopping, now she won’t leave because she is flirting with him.” I sighed following him  and grabbing a carton of milk.

                “He and I were going to go to paint balling.” He sighed as he took the milk from me after grabbing two cups.

                “Our day is going to suck,” I sighed watching him fill the cups up. He nodded his head putting the milk away. “So Sam, shopping today right?” I asked Sam. She laughed at what Connor said and ignored me.

                “So, Connor paint balling today right?” Mathew asked. Connor laughed and waved his hand at Mathew eyes still on Sam. “Want to go to the mall?” Mathew asked turning to me.

                “You want to go to the mall?” I asked, he nodded his head.  “Not even, what’s the catch?”

                “Movie night, but at the movies and after or before we go to dinner.” He told me. “get your purse.” He grinned. I smiled and grabbed my purse off the chair slipping it over my shoulder letting it hang on my hip. “I’ll drive.” He said.

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