Chapter One

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Violet huffed as she returned home from school, plopping her book bag right by the couch. She plopped down on the couch, her purple-dyed hair bouncing slightly and tired from school. "Geez, there is too much drama going on...." She muttered, looking up right when her mom came in.

"Dear, get your butt off the couch and do your homework or no computer," Mom scolded, "and no snacks either; I made your favorite brownie cookies and you will not have even one till you do it."

"Nooo! I want my cookies!" Violet whined, nearly drooling at the warm, delicious scent she had just noticed. She hopped up, stumbling a bit, and dashed off to her room, snatching up her book bag along the way. She sat in her desk chair, moving laptop aside and got out her homework, going through it as quickly as she could.

The questions were fairly easy; however math was a bit of struggle. She always wondered why math was there and that it was a cruel of testing people's patience.

"Finally! Cookie time!" Victoria yelled, relieved that she was done with her homework. She got up and raced to the kitchen, grabbing a couple of cookies from the plate.

"Make sure you don't get crumbs on the floor!" Called her mom from the living room.

Violet rolled her hazel eyes and got a napkin to put her cookies on before heading back to her room. "I won't!" She called back as she closed the door. She sat back down at her desk, putting her laptop back on the desk. She opened it up and turned it on, hating how it was slow at the moment. She grinned as it went on the password screen, but as soon as she was about to type her password in, everything shut off.

The lights, power, electricity. Everything.

Violet blinked, furrowing her eyebrows together and extremely confused about what just happened. After a moment of thinking, she sighed, finally realizing that the power went out. She got up and headed downstairs, "Mom! What happened? Why'd the power go out?" She called out.

"I don't know. Probably someone crashed into a lightpole?"

"Somehow, I'm not surprised, if that even did happen.... Well, what am I going to do then till it comes back on?" Violet asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"Read a book! Go outside and play! Invite some friends over to play games with you!"

Violet sighed, "don't feel like reading a book, so I have to go out side and play then.... But, how will I contact my friends? Wouldn't the phones be dead too?"

"Not exactly," her mom said, shaking her head. "The home phone should still work, with it being charged up; don't you know their phone numbers?"

"Yeah... Guess I'll call them then...." Violet muttered, not liking the idea of going outside, but at least she'd be able to see her friends again. She walked over to the home phone and made a jointed call. "Hi all." She was immediately greeted back. "Because of the black out, do you all want to come over and play outside? Maybe truth or dare?" She asked.

"We'd love to come over! It'll be something to do during this stupid black out." One of her friends, Christie, said.

There was a follow of 'yes's from among her other friends.

Violet grinned, glad that there was an upside to going outside. She got to see her awesome friends again today. "Great! I'll see you all at my house in the backyard in a bit. Bye!" There was a series of goodbyes before Violet ended the call.

She hummed a small melody and she walked out to the backyard. She studied the green grass and beautiful flower garden in the corner of the yard, along with the luscious trees of the forest just behind her back yard. She breathed deeply, loving the fresh smell of grass and nature. 'Okay, maybe going outside won't be a bad idea,' she thought.

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