Chapter Nineteen

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River sat at the wheel, biting her lip nervously as she waited, hoping that Violet would come back. She had to anyways... Right? She looked at Ciel, who was currently searching the beach from the boat.

"I hope she comes back... I like her and it would be saddening if she left us and abort the quest because practically lied to her. Besides, she has to in order to see her family again..." Ciel murmured, looking at River. He had been crying all night, which he rarely does, and didn't get a wink of sleep due to worrying over Violet.

River sighed. "I'm sure she will... Any minute now, she should be walking down those stairs and ready to continue on with life." She said, smiling a bit, hoping that it would reassure him. 'Now I know why Zala kept giving him looks that said to not get too close to her...' She thought.

Ciel looked down. "I guess..."

Gildar walked up the ladder and sat in one of the seats. "Ya know, this a good example of why you should always tell the truth." He grumbled, smirking a bit.

River glared. "Oh, shut up. We all realize that and you're not really helping."

The dwarf shrugged. "Just sayin'."

Ciel squinted his eyes, seeing something familiar in the distance, before he broke into a happy grin. "Violet! She's back!" He beamed as he jumped around in joy. He snapped out his wings and floated down in front her, engulfing her into a tight squeeze. "Violet!"

Violet looked at him and smiled weakly. "Hi... I'm back..." She murmured as she looked up to the boat and waved to River and Gildar, who were waving her. Well, at least River was. Gildar was just staring at them boredly.

Ciel moved back and studied her. "You look different..." He murmured, furrowing his eyebrows together as he couldn't quite figure it out.

"Well, yeah, I've been crying..." Violet muttered, frowning.

"No, no. I mean like... You've gotten taller. A lot taller."

"Oh... I seem to have grown at the least six inches and I'm a bit lanky. My ears are starting to get pointy and slightly longer too. These clothes are getting short... The shirt is up to my belly button." Violet said, mumbling the last part to herself.

"So... Basically you're turning into an elf?"

Violet nodded and went to the boat, climbing up and to the group. She looked around and noticed Zala wasn't here. "Where's Zala? Surely she would have heard me walk up." She asked, looking at River with a raised eyebrow.

"She's asleep in the bedroom. She came back in really late after her date with Professor Arrow." River said. "Welcome back, by the way."

"She went on a date after what happened?"

"Professor Arrow said it would give her time to relax and they haven't seen each other in months, so they should make the best out of the visit."

"I guess that's understandable. Now, would you excuse me. I'm starving..." Violet said as she went down the ladder and to the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and searched through it, finding some jam. She closed the door to the fridge and looked around for bread. She saw a loaf of bread in a plastic container and got two slices out. She toasted them in the oven. Afterwards, she got the bread out, put it on a napkin. She took a table knife and spread the jam over the bread. She put the jam and knife and everything back before she sat at the table and began to eat her toast.

Ciel walked in hesitantly and sat in front of her, staring at her in concern. He wanted to talk about what happened yesterday, in order to fix their friendship.

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